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Using the Python return Statement Effectively (Summary)

The Python return statement allows you to send any Python object from your custom functions back to the caller code. This statement is a fundamental part of any Python function or method. If you master how to use it, then you’ll be ready to code robust functions.

In this course, you’ve learned how to:

  • Effectively use the Python return statement in your functions
  • Return single or multiple values from your functions to the caller code
  • Apply best practices when using the return statement

Sample Code (.zip)

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Course Slides (.pdf)

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Avatar image for Shubha

Shubha on Oct. 13, 2021

Great Course! Learnt a lot. Thank you.

Avatar image for aniketbarphe

aniketbarphe on Dec. 26, 2021

Thank You!

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alnah on Sept. 24, 2023

This course was outstanding! It was well-structured, clear, and practical. I especially appreciated the sections on closures, decorators/wrappers, and factories. It provides a good introduction to understanding generators as well. The best practices part was very great! Please do that for functions in Python as well!

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