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Python vs Java: Object Oriented Programming (Summary)

Throughout this course, you learned how object-oriented principles differ in Python vs Java.

You learned about:

  • Building a basic class in both Java and Python
  • How object attributes work in Python vs Java
  • How to compare and contrast Java methods and Python functions
  • Working with inheritance and polymorphism mechanisms in both languages
  • How reflection works across Python vs Java
  • How to apply everything in a complete class implementation in both languages

If you want to learn more about OOP in Python, be sure to check out these resources:


Sample Code (.zip)

35.3 KB

Course Slides (.pdf)

1.7 MB
Avatar image for Alain Rouleau

Alain Rouleau on July 1, 2021

Good insights and comparisons as it relates to Python and Java. Very much enjoyed the videos. Thanks a lot!

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