Running Python Files
Okay, so now that we have this Python file with some Python code in it, let’s run it as a Python file. Okay, sure. Now I can just run it with the python
command because I have Python installed, and then I just need to put in the path, and I tab auto-complete.
One thing I didn’t mention is when you tab auto-complete, you might see the .\
here. That’s just PowerShell being extra explicit about the path.
It’s saying—basically, that means the current directory, the .
and the \
, but you don’t actually need it. It will work without these two characters. So let’s run this …
Philipp Acsany RP Team on Feb. 24, 2023
Thanks for your kind words @fuelyou!
Then I tried to run the file but nothing happens. When I press enter, just a new line (current directory) appears.
Generally it’s a good sign “if nothing happens”. Well, at least better than getting an error.
Do you have code in your Python file that creates output. For example, a print function call like print("Hello, World!")
fuelyou on Feb. 25, 2023
Thank you for your advice @Philipp Acsany !
I ran the python file on text editor(sublime text) and failed. As you suggest, there is a problem in the file. The text editor tells me that the character code is not utf-8. I found it!
I suspect that my pc uses shift-JIS when I write the code from the terminal. It seems that I should make some change in my windows system.
Anyway, I’m glad that I was able to locate the problem. Thanks!
Philipp Acsany RP Team on Feb. 27, 2023
I’m happy that it works now, @fuelyou 🥳 In case you want to have more ideas for adjusting your Windows system, then you may check out the RP Windows Guide 🤗
tonypy on March 2, 2023
The exercise with running in python using the basic Powershell installation failed on my PC (Windows 11, with Windows Terminal installed and runninh the default Powershell).
SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with ‘\xff’ in file D:\Python\Real Python\pb_terminal\ on line 1, but no encoding declared; see for details.
The file is actually encoded with UTF-16 LE BOM.
There are various workarounds flagged via Google search, none of which are pretty. There are short term workarounds in the terminal to set the Active code page e.g. 65001 (UTF-8) with the command chcp 65001 but I found that didn’t work. I changed the file to UTF-8 using Notepad ++ temporarily.
It seems that Powershell Core comes with the facility to set the encoding so I’ll probably use that for future work.
It would be useful to make a comment on this in the course.
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fuelyou on Feb. 23, 2023
Thank you for a wonderful course! As a windows user, I have been waiting for this kind of course.
Unfortunately I run into a trouble. I’m sorry for asking a stupid question but I need a help. I followed the tutorial and I was able to create a folder and a python file. Then I tried to run the file but nothing happens. When I press enter, just a new line (current directory) appears. When i use “python3” instead of “python”, then it prints only “Python”.
I try running python (by just entering “python”) in the same directory and it works as normal. So I just can’t run a python file directly from the terminal with a command “python”.
I want to know where I should look for the cause. Thanks.