Running Python Scripts: Recap & Summary
This video is a summary of everything you have learned up to this point. Some of the material you have covered includes:
- What the Python interpreter does
- The difference between a module and a script
- How to run Python code in interactive mode, in the file manager and in a code editor
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How to Run Your Python ScriptsOne of the most important skills you need to build as a Python developer is to be able to run Python scripts and code. Test your understanding on how good you are with running your code.
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00:01 You’ve seen a lot in these videos, so let’s have a summary of what you’ve covered. You’ve seen what the Python interpreter is and the way that it takes the code that you write and translates it to the language that the computer understands.
00:16 You’ve seen the difference between modules and scripts. Scripts are written to be executed, and modules are written to be imported by other scripts. You’ve seen how to run code interactively on three different platforms, where there’s a great deal in common but some differences between each.
00:33 You’ve seen how to run code from the command line, again on three platforms with some differences and commonalities between them.
00:42 You’ve seen how to run code from a file manager and how it’s much simpler on Windows than it is on either of the other two platforms you’ve seen. And you’ve seen how to run code from an IDE or text editor—again, with differences in platform and depending on the application.
01:01 I hope you’ve enjoyed these videos and we’ll see you soon at
JVargas on June 5, 2019
Nice work.
Michael deVry on July 30, 2019
Thanks Darren. Clear and concise. Cheers!
DiscreteLoner on Aug. 6, 2019
Easy to follow and good for people that use difference operating systems.
Robert Tonkavich on Dec. 14, 2019
Very Informative. And even though you think you know the topic, you learn something new or that you missed. Or misunderstood. Thank you for a Really Good Presentation. Clear and Concise.
tsusadivyago on May 21, 2020
basics solidified
abhijitchouhary01 on June 18, 2020
Good Stuff! Touching the roots and basics.
avalidzy on Aug. 12, 2020
Well done general coverage of script implementing!
morgan on Sept. 26, 2020
Learned something new. Thanks Darren!
Ghani on Oct. 26, 2020
Very informative; thanks a lot!
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johncyyoung on April 10, 2019
Thanks, enjoyed that, informative for beginner(me!) :)