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The Square Root Function in Python (Summary)

Knowing how to use sqrt() is only half the battle. Understanding when to use it is the other. Now you’ve seen some of both, so go and apply your newfound knowledge about the Python square root function!

In this course, you’ve covered:

  • A brief introduction to square roots
  • The ins and outs of the Python square root function, sqrt()
  • A practical application of sqrt() using a real-world example

Sample Code (.zip)

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Course Slides (.pdf)

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Avatar image for Patrick Dennis

Patrick Dennis on July 17, 2021

Why do you force one of the operands in a division to be a float? Isn’t that redundant in Python 3.x?

Avatar image for Christopher Trudeau

Christopher Trudeau RP Team on July 18, 2021

Old habits die hard? :)

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