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Start Managing Multiple Python Versions With pyenv (Summary)

You can now more easily contribute to a project that wants to support multiple environments. You can also more easily test out the latest and greatest Python versions without having to worry about messing up your development machine, all with a wonderful tool: pyenv.

You’ve seen how pyenv can help you:

  • Install multiple versions of Python
  • Switch between the installed versions
  • Use virtual environments with pyenv

Course Slides (.pdf)

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Avatar image for Alan ODannel

Alan ODannel on April 20, 2021

Very informative course. I’ve been using the Python virtual environments for a while now. Pyenv makes switching between Python versions a breeze. Thank you Johan.

Avatar image for Santosh

Santosh on April 25, 2021

Quick note that on Ubuntu (I’m actually using PopOS), python-openssl returned a “not able to find package” error. This SO post seemed to provide a workaround stackoverflow.com/questions/64950324/unable-to-locate-package-openssl-dev

Avatar image for Lee Cullip

Lee Cullip on Jan. 18, 2022

Excellent overview of pyenv, this will make it much easier for me to manage versions now. Thanks!!

Avatar image for Glenn Lehman

Glenn Lehman on Nov. 1, 2022

Nice course. I learned much and at a good pace.

Avatar image for Libis Bueno

Libis Bueno on Jan. 8, 2023

Very informative, and I was eager to take this course after reading the article but was disappointed to learn that this is only for Mac users. It’s too bad you don’t have a video for windows env. Not everyone uses MAC :(

Avatar image for Bartosz Zaczyński

Bartosz Zaczyński RP Team on Jan. 9, 2023

@Libis Bueno pyenv runs on macOS and Linux, so if you’re on a recent Windows version, then you should be able to run pyenv through WSL. In case you need it, you can learn how to configure WSL in Windows by reading our Windows Coding Setup Guide. Also, we have a regular Office Hours attendee who uses Windows for development, and I’m pretty sure he also uses pyenv. Consider joining one of our sessions on Wednesday if you haven’t already 😉

Avatar image for Libis Bueno

Libis Bueno on Jan. 9, 2023

Hi Bartosz, I was able to find the Windows Coding Setup and that worked great, a video like the one mentioned would also be very helpful.

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