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Working With Stack Traces

Now it’s time to see how you can use pbd to inspect the state of variables at any point along the call stack. You can call w at any time to show a stack trace up to the stack frame you are working at. This is especially helpful if you’re lost.

You can use u and d to move up and down the stack trace respectively. When you move into a different stack frame, you can do things like print its local variables.

00:00 For our last lesson, let’s see how we can use pdb to inspect the state of variables at any point along the call stack. pdb provides us with a few more commands which will allow us to see stack traces of execution up to our breakpoints, as well as move up and down those stack frames. Here, I have example5.py open, which calls a get_path() function within another module called fileutil.

00:33 If we inspect that file, we can see that line 4 contains our all-too-familiar breakpoint. Execution will stop before the head and tail variables are initialized.

00:48 I’m going to move over to my Z shell and run this file as usual. Execution has stopped at the breakpoint. If we use the w command, short for where, we’ll see a stack trace that shows us every function call—or stack frame—up to the current frame, which contains the breakpoint.

01:09 Now I can use the u and d commands to move up and down the stack trace.

01:17 I want to inspect the full_fname variable that’s local to the function get_file_info(). To do that, I’ll type u to move up a frame, and now we’re stopped at the frame representing the call to get_file_info().

01:36 Because the variable I want is in scope, I can say p full_fname, and when I press Enter, we see './example5.py'. To move back down, I can use d, and now we’re stopped at the breakpoint again.

01:58 Just remember: if you ever get lost and you’re not sure where you are, you can use w to print a stack trace up to the current stack frame you are in.

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