Real Python Podcast Episode #218 Title Artwork

Episode 218: Exploring Robotics and Python Through Electronic Projects

The Real Python Podcast

Aug 23, 2024 1h 6m

Are you interested in learning robotics with Python? Can physical electronics-based projects grow a child’s interest in coding? This week on the show, we speak with author Marwan Alsabbagh about his book “Build Your Own Robot - Using Python, CRICKIT, and Raspberry Pi.”

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Marwan discusses his two conferences talks about building electronics projects with his children. He provides advice on equipment and techniques to make learning Python engaging.

We explore his robotics project and the literal balancing act of designing a robot around the Raspberry Pi. Marwan shares his successes and disappointments while working to incorporate computer vision, joystick controls, and voice commands.

This episode is sponsored by Mailtrap.


  • 00:00:00 – Introduction
  • 00:02:14 – How did you get started with Python and electronics?
  • 00:04:27 – Snow globe intruder alert system
  • 00:06:57 – Things to keep in mind with a child
  • 00:12:50 – Challenges in teaching a child Python
  • 00:16:34 – Sponsor: Mailtrap
  • 00:17:11 – What are other projects you’ve tried?
  • 00:21:12 – Powering the robot project
  • 00:24:56 – Putting together the robot librarian talk
  • 00:29:47 – Was there any friction teaching kids robotics?
  • 00:32:47 – Adding the complexity of a Raspberry Pi
  • 00:38:27 – Video Course Spotlight
  • 00:39:48 – Hardware components of the robot
  • 00:41:51 – Thinking about access to the equipment
  • 00:45:37 – Assembling the robot project?
  • 00:49:14 – Various control systems
  • 00:54:42 – What experience level is required with Python?
  • 00:55:40 – What concepts were you excited to share?
  • 00:57:59 – Do you think Python is a good language for robotics?
  • 00:59:21 – MicroPython Cookbook
  • 01:00:07 – What are projects you tried that didn’t work out?
  • 01:03:01 – What are you excited about in the world of Python?
  • 01:04:04 – What do you want to learn next?
  • 01:04:56 – How can people follow your work online?
  • 01:05:19 – Thanks and goodbye

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