Episode 45: Processing Images in Python With Pillow
The Real Python Podcast
Jan 29, 2021 47m
Are you interested in processing images in Python? Do you need to load and modify images for your Flask or Django website or CMS? Then you most likely will be working with Pillow, the friendly fork of PIL, the Python imaging library. This week on the show, we have Mike Driscoll, who is writing a new book about image processing in Python.
Episode Sponsor:
We dive deep into the types of processing Pillow provides. Mike talks about creating Python GUI applications to take advantage of all the library has to offer. We also talk about his PyDev of the week series and his Python Interviews book.
Course Spotlight: Editing Excel Spreadsheets in Python With openpyxl
In this course, you’ll learn how to handle spreadsheets in Python using the openpyxl package. You’ll learn how to manipulate Excel spreadsheets, extract information from spreadsheets, create simple or more complex spreadsheets, including adding styles, charts, and so on.
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:01:40 – Update on Python 101 book
- 00:03:17 – Pillow: Image Processing With Python
- 00:04:06 – Kickstarter for the book
- 00:05:35 – What parts of the Pillow library will the book cover?
- 00:07:49 – What is ImageChops?
- 00:09:06 – How do you currently use Pillow?
- 00:11:06 – What is ImageOps?
- 00:13:15 – Sponsor Scout APM
- 00:14:18 – Building a GUI interface for Pillow features
- 00:16:46 – Other uses for Pillow in testing
- 00:18:01 – Use in web frameworks and file formats
- 00:20:17 – What is Pillow not good at?
- 00:22:13 – Batch processing
- 00:23:12 – Exif Data and GPS information from images
- 00:26:57 – Creating a watermark
- 00:28:58 – Video Course Spotlight
- 00:30:15 – Writing image process methods as modules
- 00:33:45 – Timeline for the book release
- 00:35:04 – Using Pillow in a Jupyter notebook
- 00:38:02 – Python Interviews Book and PyDev of the Week
- 00:41:57 – What are you excited about in the world of Python?
- 00:44:41 – What do you want to learn next?
- 00:46:25 – Thanks and goodbye
Show Links:
- Pillow: Image Processing With Python
- Python 101: pythonlibrary.org
- Pillow: Image Processing With Python - Kickstarter
- Pillow: The Friendly Fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL)
- Image Chops (“Channel Operations”) Module
- PySimpleGUI: Python GUIs for Humans
- PySimpleGUI: The Simple Way to Create a GUI With Python - Real Python
- wxPython: The GUI Toolkit for Python
- Create an EXIF Viewer with PySimpleGUI: Mouse Vs Python
- Getting GPS EXIF Data with Python: Mouse Vs Python
- Mouse Vs Python Blog
- Python Interviews: Discussions with Python Experts: Packt Publishing
- PyConUS 2021
- PyCascades 2021
- Python Pizza: Remote Conferences
- openpyxl - A Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files
- Editing Excel Spreadsheets in Python With openpyxl: Real Python video course
- Episode 20: Building PDFs in Python with ReportLab