Hands-On Python 3 Concurrency With the asyncio Module

Chyld Medford
Chyld Medford 12 Lessons 1h 3m advanced python

Learn how to speed up your Python 3 programs using concurrency and the new asyncio module in the standard library.

First, you’ll explore the key terms of parallel programming. Next, you’ll see step-by-step how to leverage concurrency and parallelism in your own programs, all the way to building a complete HTTP downloader example app using asyncio and aiohttp.

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About Chyld Medford

Chyld is an avid Pythonista and writes for Real Python. He teaches data science and full stack software engineering to companies around the world. He loves functional programming, linear algebra, all things linux, machine learning ... and Python!

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Participant Comments

Avatar image for mahlenius

mahlenius on June 30, 2020

Great job explaining this asycnio lib. Enjoyed the demos and actually typed along with them so I could try/tinker myself. The “real world” example at the end was very useful for me. Thanks!

Avatar image for dgoodson12722

dgoodson12722 on March 3, 2020

You are an awesome instructor with the gift of making asyncio seem easy! Please, do more videos like this, please!

Avatar image for Hilman

Hilman on Feb. 8, 2020

Amazing, amazing, amazing! Thank you!

Avatar image for Miguel Garcia

Miguel Garcia RP Team on Sept. 19, 2019

Awesome, very nice and clear explanations and examples. Thanks!

Avatar image for sion

sion on April 23, 2019

This truly helped me understand asyncio. Also, I picked up tips along the way. Not least the presentation was excellent. Thank you.

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