About Tappan Moore
I edit video courses for RP, clean up audio, & add graphics. I like mountain biking, billiards, poker, and I used to rock climb. I also collect operating systems, to my chagrin.
Tutorials Tappan Contributed to:
- Working With Python Polars (Course)
- Single and Double Underscore Naming Conventions in Python (Course)
- Concatenating Strings in Python Efficiently (Course)
- Building a Python Command-Line To-Do App With Typer (Course)
- NumPy Techniques and Practical Examples (Course)
- Creating a Scalable Flask Web Application From Scratch (Course)
- Exploring Python's tuple Data Type With Examples (Course)
- Building Dictionary Comprehensions in Python (Course)
- Ways to Start Interacting With Python (Course)
- Building HTTP APIs With Django REST Framework (Course)
- Programming Sockets in Python (Course)
- Documenting Python Projects With Sphinx and Read the Docs (Course)
- Handling or Preventing Errors in Python: LBYL vs EAFP (Course)
- Managing Dependencies With Python Poetry (Course)
- Working With TOML and Python (Course)
- Formatting Floats Inside Python F-Strings (Course)
- Introduction to Web Scraping With Python (Course)
- Python's Magic Methods in Classes (Course)
- Understanding Python's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) (Course)
- Using Type Hints for Multiple Return Types in Python (Course)
- What's New in Python 3.13 (Course)
- Differences Between Python's Mutable and Immutable Types (Course)
- Advanced Python import Techniques (Course)
- Customizing VS Code Through Color Themes (Course)
- When to Use .__repr__() vs .__str__() in Python (Course)
- Using Pydantic to Simplify Python Data Validation (Course)
- Using Astropy for Astronomy With Python (Course)
- Exploring Astrophysics in Python With pandas and Matplotlib (Course)
- Sorting Dictionaries in Python: Keys, Values, and More (Course)
- Interacting With REST APIs and Python (Course)
- Simulate a Text File in Python (Course)
- pandas GroupBy: Grouping Real World Data in Python (Course)
- Exercises Course: Introduction to Web Scraping With Python (Course)
- Customize VS Code Settings (Course)
- Defining Python Constants for Code Maintainability (Course)
- Build a GUI Calculator With PyQt and Python (Course)
- Rounding Numbers in Python (Course)
- Listing All Files in a Directory With Python (Course)
- Python Interfaces: Object-Oriented Design Principles (Course)
- Efficient Iterations With Python Iterators and Iterables (Course)
- Building a Python GUI Application With Tkinter (Course)
- HTML and CSS Foundations for Python Developers (Course)
- Flattening a List of Lists in Python (Course)
- Working With Global Variables in Python Functions (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Scopes (Course)
- Using raise for Effective Exceptions (Course)
- Generating QR Codes With Python (Course)
- Python Deep Learning: PyTorch vs Tensorflow (Course)
- Finding Python Easter Eggs (Course)
- SQLite and SQLAlchemy in Python: Move Your Data Beyond Flat Files (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Dictionaries (Course)
- Creating Asynchronous Tasks With Celery and Django (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Installing Packages With pip (Course)
- Unleashing the Power of the Console With Rich (Course)
- Create Conway's Game of Life With Python (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Lists and Tuples (Course)
- Building Enumerations With Python's enum (Course)
- Python Basics: Lists and Tuples (Course)
- Create a Tic-Tac-Toe Python Game Engine With an AI Player (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Functions and Loops (Course)
- HTTP Requests With Python's urllib.request (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Reading and Writing Files (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Strings and String Methods (Course)
- How to Get the Current Time in Python (Course)
- Advent of Code: Solving Puzzles With Python (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Modules and Packages (Course)
- Python Basics: Modules and Packages (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Numbers and Math (Course)
- Using the bpython Enhanced REPL (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Building Systems With Classes (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Object-Oriented Programming (Course)
- Using Python's min() and max() (Course)
- What's New in Python 3.12 (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Conditional Logic and Control Flow (Course)
- Design and Guidance: Object-Oriented Programming in Python (Course)
- Inheritance and Internals: Object-Oriented Programming in Python (Course)
- Class Concepts: Object-Oriented Programming in Python (Course)
- Create a Python Wordle Clone With Rich (Course)
- Replacing a String in Python (Course)
- Process Images Using the Pillow Library and Python (Course)
- What Does if __name__ == "__main__" Mean in Python? (Course)
- Reversing Strings in Python (Course)
- Creating Web Maps From Your Data With Python Folium (Course)
- Filtering Iterables With Python (Course)
- Jinja Templating (Course)
- Recursion in Python (Course)
- Python Basics: Reading and Writing Files (Course)
- Mazes in Python: Build, Visualize, Store, and Solve (Course)
- Getting the First Match From a Python List or Iterable (Course)
- Using k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) in Python (Course)
- Metaclasses in Python (Course)
- Getting the Most Out of the Python Standard REPL (Course)
- Publishing Python Packages to PyPI (Course)
- Using Python's assert to Debug and Test Your Code (Course)
- Python Basics: Installing Packages With pip (Course)
- Using OrderedDict in Python (Course)
- Check if a Python String Contains a Substring (Course)
- YAML: Python's Missing Battery (Course)
- Summing Values the Pythonic Way With sum() (Course)
- Manipulating ZIP Files With Python (Course)
- Writing Clean, Pythonic Code With namedtuple (Course)
- Using the Terminal on Windows (Course)
- Getters and Setters in Python (Course)
- Python Basics: Building Systems With Classes (Course)
- Using the Terminal on Linux (Course)
- Python Basics: Object-Oriented Programming (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: File System Operations (Course)
- Using the Terminal on macOS (Course)
- Build Cross-Platform GUI Apps With Kivy (Course)
- Python Basics: File System Operations (Course)
- Context Managers and Using Python's with Statement (Course)
- Python Basics: Dictionaries (Course)
- Using Python's pathlib Module (Course)
- Everyday Project Packaging With pyproject.toml (Course)
- Deploy a Django App With Gunicorn and Nginx (Course)
- Refactoring: Prepare Your Code to Get Help (Course)
- Python Basics: Scopes (Course)
- Cool New Features in Python 3.11 (Course)
- Python Basics: Numbers and Math (Course)
- Using Multiple Constructors in Your Python Classes (Course)
- Python Basics: Strings and String Methods (Course)
- Sneaky REST APIs With Django Ninja (Course)
- Building Python Project Documentation With MkDocs (Course)
- Python Basics: Conditional Logic and Control Flow (Course)
- Building Command Line Interfaces With argparse (Course)
- Python Basics: Functions and Loops (Course)
- Building a URL Shortener With FastAPI and Python (Course)
- Caching in Python With lru_cache (Course)
- Exploring Special Function Parameters (Course)
- Python Basics: Finding and Fixing Code Bugs (Course)
- Managing Attributes With Python's property() (Course)
- Using the Python not Operator (Course)
- Using the Python and Operator (Course)
- Building a Site Connectivity Checker (Course)
- Python mmap: Doing File I/O With Memory Mapping (Course)
- Combining Data in pandas With concat() and merge() (Course)
- Write and Test a Python Function: Interview Practice (Course)
- Data Cleaning With pandas and NumPy (Course)
- Exploring Scopes and Closures in Python (Course)
- Using Python Class Constructors (Course)
- Testing Your Code With pytest (Course)
- Building a Django User Management System (Course)
- Exploring Keywords in Python (Course)
- Python REST APIs With FastAPI (Course)
- Using Python's datetime Module (Course)
- Python Basics: Code Your First Python Program (Course)
- Sorting Data in Python With pandas (Course)
- Counting With Python's Counter (Course)
- Exploring the Fibonacci Sequence With Python (Course)
- Starting With Linear Regression in Python (Course)
- Python any(): Powered Up Boolean Function (Course)
- Defining Python Functions With Optional Arguments (Course)
- Python's len() Function (Course)
- Looping With Python enumerate() (Course)
- Starting With Python IDLE (Course)
- Working With Pipenv (Course)
- Deploy Your Python Script on the Web With Flask (Course)
- Raising and Handling Python Exceptions (Course)
- Host Your Django Project on Heroku (Course)
- Binary, Bytes, and Bitwise Operators in Python (Course)
- Data Visualization Interfaces in Python With Dash (Course)
- Building a Neural Network & Making Predictions With Python AI (Course)
- Building Lists With Python's .append() (Course)
- Using plt.scatter() to Visualize Data in Python (Course)
- Reading Input and Writing Output in Python (Course)
- Writing Idiomatic Python (Course)
- Python Assignment Expressions and Using the Walrus Operator (Course)
- Using Pygame to Build an Asteroids Game in Python (Course)
- Cool New Features in Python 3.10 (Course)
- Rock, Paper, Scissors With Python: A Command Line Game (Course)
- Pass by Reference in Python: Best Practices (Course)
- Using Data Classes in Python (Course)
- Graph Your Data With Python and ggplot (Course)
- Splitting Datasets With scikit-learn and train_test_split() (Course)
- Exploring the Python math Module (Course)
- Reading and Writing Files With pandas (Course)
- Using the Python return Statement Effectively (Course)
- Using sleep() to Code a Python Uptime Bot (Course)
- The pandas DataFrame: Working With Data Efficiently (Course)
- Speech Recognition With Python (Course)
- The Square Root Function in Python (Course)
- Defining and Calling Python Functions (Course)
- Python Inner Functions (Course)
- Python vs JavaScript for Python Developers (Course)
- Using pandas to Make a Gradebook in Python (Course)
- Python Basics: Setting Up Python (Course)
- Explore Your Dataset With pandas (Course)
- How to Set Up a Django Project (Course)
- Using the Python or Operator (Course)
- Stacks and Queues: Selecting the Ideal Data Structure (Course)
- Simplify Python GUI Development With PySimpleGUI (Course)
- Python's map() Function: Transforming Iterables (Course)
- Learn Text Classification With Python and Keras (Course)
- Start Managing Multiple Python Versions With pyenv (Course)
- Python vs Java: Object Oriented Programming (Course)
- Understanding Python List Comprehensions (Course)
- Records and Sets: Selecting the Ideal Data Structure (Course)
- Python Booleans: Leveraging the Values of Truth (Course)
- Django View Authorization: Restricting Access (Course)
- Navigating Namespaces and Scope in Python (Course)
- Dictionaries and Arrays: Selecting the Ideal Data Structure (Course)
- Creating PyQt Layouts for GUI Applications (Course)
- Python Modulo: Using the % Operator (Course)
- Plot With pandas: Python Data Visualization Basics (Course)
- Evaluate Expressions Dynamically With Python eval() (Course)
- Introduction to Sorting Algorithms in Python (Course)
- Django Admin Customization (Course)
- Serializing Objects With the Python pickle Module (Course)
- Python Turtle for Beginners (Course)
- Speed Up Python With Concurrency (Course)
- How Python Manages Memory (Course)
- Formatting Python Strings (Course)
- Regular Expressions and Building Regexes in Python (Course)
- Handling Missing Keys With the Python defaultdict Type (Course)
- Simulating Real-World Processes in Python With SimPy (Course)
- Creating a Binary Search in Python (Course)
- Getting Started With MicroPython (Course)
- Web Scraping With Beautiful Soup and Python (Course)
- Cool New Features in Python 3.9 (Course)
- Using Google Login With Flask (Course)
- Working With Linked Lists in Python (Course)
- Command Line Interfaces in Python (Course)
- Exploring HTTPS and Cryptography in Python (Course)
- Editing Excel Spreadsheets in Python With openpyxl (Course)
- Django Redirects (Course)
- Identify Invalid Python Syntax (Course)
- Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python (Course)
- Python's None: Null in Python (Course)
- Mastering Python's Built-in time Module (Course)
- Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas (Course)
- Pointers and Objects in Python (Course)
- Unicode in Python: Working With Character Encodings (Course)
- Creating a Discord Bot in Python (Course)
- Python Generators 101 (Course)
- Getting the Most Out of a Python Traceback (Course)
- Parallel Iteration With Python's zip() Function (Course)
- A Beginner's Guide to pip (Course)
- Convert a Python String to int (Course)
- Improve Your Tests With the Python Mock Object Library (Course)
- The Python print() Function: Go Beyond the Basics (Course)
- Structuring a Python Application (Course)
- Python Coding Interviews: Tips & Best Practices (Course)
- Inheritance and Composition: A Python OOP Guide (Course)
- Arduino With Python: Getting Started (Course)
- Comparing Python Objects the Right Way: "is" vs "==" (Course)
- Using NumPy's np.arange() Effectively (Course)
- Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame (Course)
- Defining Main Functions in Python (Course)
- Implementing a Stack in Python (Course)
- How to Work With a PDF in Python (Course)
- Finding the Perfect Python Code Editor (Course)
- Using Sets in Python (Course)
- Python Modules and Packages: An Introduction (Course)
- Exploring Basic Data Types in Python (Course)
- Supercharge Your Classes With Python super() (Course)
- Python args and kwargs: Demystified (Course)
- Sorting Data With Python (Course)
- Python Dictionary Iteration: Advanced Tips & Tricks (Course)
- Documenting Code in Python (Course)
- Variables in Python (Course)
- Demystifying Python, Boto3, and AWS S3 (Course)
- KeyError Exceptions in Python and How to Handle Them (Course)
- Threading in Python (Course)
- Thinking Recursively With Python (Course)
- Cool New Features in Python 3.8 (Course)
- Python Type Checking (Course)
- Python Plotting With Matplotlib (Course)
- The Python range() Function (Course)
- Getting Started With Django: Building a Portfolio App (Course)
- Strings and Character Data in Python (Course)
- Thonny: A Beginner-Friendly Python Editor (Course)
- Debugging in Python With pdb (Course)
- Absolute vs Relative Imports in Python (Course)
- Lists and Tuples in Python (Course)
- Using Python Lambda Functions (Course)
- Histogram Plotting in Python: NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas & Seaborn (Course)
- Traditional Face Detection Using Python (Course)
- Using Dictionaries in Python (Course)
- How to Write Pythonic Loops (Course)
- Reading and Writing Files in Python (Course)
- Functional Programming in Python (Course)
- Generating Random Data in Python (Course)
- How to Publish Your Own Python Package to PyPI (Course)
- OOP Method Types in Python: @classmethod vs @staticmethod vs Instance Methods (Course)
- Continuous Integration With Python (Course)
- Installing Python on Windows, macOS, and Linux (Course)
- Writing Cleaner Python Code With PyLint (Course)
- Python Context Managers and the "with" Statement (Course)
- Build a Location-Based Web App With Django and GeoDjango (Course)
- Conditional Statements in Python (if/elif/else) (Course)
- Sending Emails Using Python (Course)
- Immutability in Python (Course)
- Hands-On Python 3 Concurrency With the asyncio Module (Course)
- Idiomatic pandas: Tricks & Features You May Not Know (Course)
- Making HTTP Requests With Python (Course)
- Test-Driven Development With pytest (Course)
- Pythonic OOP String Conversion: .__repr__() vs .__str__() (Course)
- Idiomatic Python 101 (Course)
- Pandas DataFrames 101 (Course)
- Emulating switch/case Statements in Python (Course)
- Migrating Applications From Python 2 to Python 3 (Course)
- For Loops in Python (Definite Iteration) (Course)
- Using List Comprehensions Effectively (Course)
- Mastering While Loops (Course)
- Reading and Writing CSV Files (Course)
- Using Jupyter Notebooks (Course)
- Working With Python Virtual Environments (Course)