Python args and kwargs: Demystified

Rich Bibby
Rich Bibby 6 Lessons 12m intermediate python

Sometimes, when you look at a function definition in Python, you might see that it takes two strange arguments: *args and **kwargs. If you’ve ever wondered what these peculiar variables are, or why your IDE defines them in main(), then this course is for you! You’ll learn how to use args and kwargs in Python to add more flexibility to your functions.

By the end of the course, you’ll know:

  • What *args and **kwargs actually mean
  • How to use *args and **kwargs in function definitions
  • How to use a single asterisk (*) to unpack iterables
  • How to use two asterisks (**) to unpack dictionaries

This course assumes that you already know how to define Python functions and work with lists and dictionaries.

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About Rich Bibby

Rich is an avid Pythonista and a video instructor at Real Python. He is also a Network Engineer using Python to automate the management of a large network infrastructure. He lives in Dubai, UAE, with his wife and daughter plus a Miniature Schnauzer.

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