Introduction to Git and GitHub for Python

Paul Mealus
Paul Mealus 9 Lessons 37m intermediate tools

What is Git, what is GitHub, and what’s the difference? Learn the basics of Git and GitHub from the perspective of a Pythonista in this step-by-step video course.

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About Paul Mealus

Paul studies ways to leverage technology to empower business and make life better. Paul has a life goal to become a CIO and more importantly, pet every dog in the world.

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Participant Comments

Avatar image for jeffersongarciaor

jeffersongarciaor on Feb. 10, 2021

Thanks Paul! I learned a lot, and finally I can understand the git workflow. Very helpful and you were very instructive.

Avatar image for John Kinder

John Kinder on Sept. 1, 2020

Thanks for this wonderful tutorial. Each topic was short but concise, and I was able to pull all the real python material down to my VM… much appreciated!

Avatar image for fjavanderspek

fjavanderspek on April 17, 2020

Clear and concise, awesome!

Avatar image for pshapard

pshapard on April 8, 2020

Just completed the video. This course plugged some holes in my git/github knowledge. Still a lot to learn. Software development does not seem so scary. Thanks for your help Paul. Onto the next video

Avatar image for Damian

Damian on Feb. 24, 2020

This tutorial is a gem. While simple, it really demystifies the basic of github. thanks a lot. What do you recommend as a follow up course to continue building on this basics?

Thanks again!

Avatar image for mdroberts

mdroberts on Nov. 18, 2019

Very good and succinct tutorial!

Avatar image for Stephen Paden

Stephen Paden on June 24, 2019

Excellent refresher. Been out of the game, so this was very informative and concise.

Avatar image for charliem22

charliem22 on June 5, 2019

Excellent introduction. Would have liked a rebasing example but I understand why the complexities of that would make that a bit difficult. Also, pointer to Pro-Git is appreciated. Have started reading it and it’s definitely the ‘next step’ after this video intro. Thanks for your time and effort… charlie

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