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Python Basics: Strings and String Methods (Summary)

In this video course, you learned the ins and outs of Python string objects. You learned how to access different characters in a string using indices and slices, as well as how to determine the length of a string with len().

Strings come with numerous methods. The .upper() and .lower() methods convert all characters of a string to uppercase and lowercase, respectively. The .rstrip(), .lstrip(), and .strip() methods remove whitespace from strings, and the .startswith() and .endswith() methods tell you if a string starts or ends with a given substring.

You also learned how to capture input from a user as a string using the input() function, and how to convert that input to a number using int() and float(). To convert numbers and other objects to strings, you use str().

Finally, you learned how to use the .find() and .replace() methods to find the location of a substring and replace a substring with a new string.

For more information on the concepts you’ve covered in this course, check out:


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nb20pygeek on July 7, 2023

This is good!

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