Take a quick look at how to configure VS Code and how to work with workspaces. You’ll learn:
- How to change editor and workspace settings
- What workspaces are and how to create them
- The difference between user settings and workspace settings
- How to create workspace specific settings
csharma19 on Aug. 2, 2019
Hi Austin - thanks for creating this video. Newbie here and experiment. I noticed that there is a .vsCode folder under my workspace, and a settings.json file there. To differentiate from the “global json file (this other json file points to the C Drive) I renamed it to “GeneralSettings.json”. When I changed the editor font size in this file, I don’t see any impacts on the editor. However, I do see it changes in font size when I edit in the the “global settings” json file. Any suggestions on what I’m doing wrong? Thanks ,Chet