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Episode 44: Creating an Interactive Online Python Conference for PyCascades 2021

The Real Python Podcast

Jan 22, 2021 1h 4m

The Real Python Podcast
#44: Creating an Interactive Online Python Conference for PyCascades 2021
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How do you create a virtual conference that retains the interactivity of an in-person event? What are the tools needed for talk submissions, ticketing, and live hosting? Can you find those tools written in Python? This week on the show, we have several of the organizers of the PyCascades 2021 conference. They share the process of restructuring a Python conference to meet those challenges.

Episode Sponsor:

Nina Zakharenko and Seb Vetter are co-chairs, and Ashia Zawaduk is the conference program chair. PyCascades will be held online from February 19th through 21st, with a day of virtual social events, one of live-streamed talks, and another of mentored sprints.

We discuss ways to recreate the elusive feel of the “hallway” track virtually. They share advice about submitting a talk proposal and ways that you can volunteer for conferences.

Tickets are available now. PyCascades is looking for additional sponsors. If you work for an organization that can help, get in contact with them.


  • 00:00:00 – Introduction
  • 00:01:53 – Introducing the organizers
  • 00:03:27 – Structure and vision for the Conference
  • 00:06:50 – Tools for a virtual conference
  • 00:10:34 – Creating a virtual hallway track
  • 00:12:32 – Testing the platform
  • 00:14:33 – How does a virtual event change the type of audience?
  • 00:15:54 – Opening up the range of available speakers and topics
  • 00:19:35 – Tips for finding success in submitting talk proposals
  • 00:24:28 – Sponsor: PyCharm
  • 00:25:10 – How can someone assist at this and other conferences?
  • 00:26:40 – Preparing first time speakers
  • 00:28:29 – How did each of you get involved?
  • 00:36:13 – Video Course Spotlight
  • 00:37:18 – Currently scheduled talks
  • 00:43:01 – Mentored Sprints for Diverse Beginners
  • 00:49:37 – User groups and meetups
  • 00:52:23 – PyCascades sponsors
  • 00:57:02 – What are you excited about in the world of Python?
  • 01:02:39 – Callout: Get Your Tickets and thanks

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