Episode 57: Taking the Next Step in Python Game Development
The Real Python Podcast
Apr 23, 2021 1h 15m
Are you interested in creating video games but feel limited in what you can accomplish within Python? Is there a platform where you can take advantage of your Python skills and provide the benefits of a dedicated game engine? This week on the show, we have Paweł Fertyk. Paweł is a Real Python author and has been creating games as Miskatonic Studio for several years now.
Episode Sponsor:
Paweł has worked with PyGame. We recently featured his article on creating a clone of Asteroids in a previous episode. After working with PyGame for a while, he also tried a visual novel engine named Ren’Py, and Panda3D.
After struggling within these Python libraries, he started to look for an open-source game engine that could help him create the types of games he was striving to create. He found Godot and its Python-like scripting language of GDScript. We talk about his creations, the tools, and how game development is not exactly like most other types of development.
Course Spotlight: Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame
In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn how to use PyGame. This library allows you to create games and rich multimedia programs in Python. You’ll learn how to draw items on your screen, implement collision detection, handle user input, and much more!
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:01:55 – Writing for Real Python
- 00:02:58 – Asteroids PyGame Article
- 00:11:05 – Do you think programming games is a good way to learn programming?
- 00:13:46 – What game technologies did you try before PyGame?
- 00:18:35 – Trying out Ren’Py, Panda3D, and looking for an engine
- 00:27:16 – Sponsor: Digital Ocean
- 00:27:56 – What appealed to you about Godot?
- 00:33:42 – Working with a GUI editor
- 00:37:03 – GDScript, programming game logic, and similarities to Python
- 00:42:46 – Creating Molecules: Osmos clone
- 00:48:21 – Video Course Spotlight
- 00:49:33 – Creating Intrepid: 3D Escape Room
- 00:55:47 – Creating 3D assets and finding collaborators
- 00:58:18 – Exporting the finished game
- 01:01:24 – GOAT: Godot Open Adventure Template
- 01:08:27 – What are you excited about in the world of Python?
- 01:12:39 – What do you want to learn next?
- 01:14:57 – Thanks and goodbye
Show Links:
- About Paweł Fertyk: Real Python Author
- Build an Asteroids Game With Python and Pygame: Real Python Step by Step Project
- Miskatonic Studio: Home Page
- Miskatonic Studio: GitHub Page
- Miskatonic Studio: YouTube Page
- iOS Snake Game with UI Switches
- How I Made a Snake Game Out of Checkboxes: JavaScript
- Ren’Py: Visual Novel Engine
- Panda3D: Open-Source, Free-To-Use Engine for Realtime 3D Games
- Godot: Open-Source Game Engine
- Molecules Game: GitHub page
- Intrepid: Steam Store (Free)
- Intrepid: GitHub
- Blender: Open-Source 3D Creation
- Miskatonic Studio: CGTrader 3D Models
- cgtrader: The World’s Preferred Source for 3D Content
- ArtStation: Showcase Your Portfolio
- GOAT: Godot Open Adventure Template - GitHub
- CircuitPython: Beginner friendly, open source version of Python for tiny, inexpensive computers called microcontrollers