1911 results

Learning Path: Python Basics Book (Supporting Materials & Bonus Resources)


This learning path is meant to accompany our "Python Basics" book.

Learning Path: Python Data Structures


Explore Python's core data structures: strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. Master string operations, list comprehensions, copying objects, sorting, and the range() function. Dive deep into complex numbers, the del statement, and robust assignments.

Learning Path: Functions and Scopes


Enhance your Python skills by mastering functions and scope. This path covers defining functions, optional arguments, special parameters, return statements, None, namespaces, and global variables. Perfect for writing cleaner, more efficient code.

Learning Path: Python Control Flow and Loops


Explore Python Control Flow and Loops to master conditional statements, Boolean operators ('and', 'or', 'not'), 'for' and 'while' loops, emulate do-while loops, use 'in' and 'not in' for membership, control flow keywords 'break' and 'continue', and understand the 'pass' and 'with' statements. Dive in with Real Python!

Learning Path: I/O Operations and String Formatting


Master Python's input, output, and string formatting with our comprehensive path. Learn keyboard input, integer handling, and advanced print techniques. Dive into modern string formatting with f-strings and the format mini-language. Perfect for enhancing your Python coding skills!

Learning Path: Become a Python Web Developer


This learning path will provide you with the foundational skills you need to become a Python web developer. You'll cover the most popular Python web development frameworks like Django and Flask, working with databases, as well as fundamental front-end coding skills like HTML.

Learning Path: Revisit Python Fundamentals


Revisit core concepts like data types, variables, and operators to solidify your Python foundation. This foundational knowledge is essential for building strong coding skills.

Learning Path: Python Basics: Introduction to Python


In this learning path, you'll master the basics of Python through video courses taught by experienced instructors. You can complete this learning path on its own or in combination with the Python Basics book.

Learning Path: Data Science With Python Core Skills


In this learning path you'll cover a range of core skills that any Python data scientist worth their salt should know.

Course: Ways to Start Interacting With Python

Jan 07, 2025 basicspython

In this video course, you'll explore the various ways of interacting with Python. You'll learn about the REPL for quick testing and running scripts, as well as how to work with different IDEs, and Python's IDLE.

Course: Formatting Floats Inside Python F-Strings

Nov 12, 2024 basicspython

In this video course, you'll learn how to use Python format specifiers within an f-string to allow you to neatly format a float to your required precision.

Course: Customizing VS Code Through Color Themes

Sep 17, 2024 basicsgui

A well-designed coding environment enhances your focus and productivity and makes coding sessions more enjoyable. In this Code Conversation, your instructor Philipp Acsany will guide you step-by-step through the process of finding, installing, and adjusting color themes in VS Code.

Course: Customize VS Code Settings

Jul 09, 2024 basicspython

In this course, Philipp helps you customize your Visual Studio Code settings to switch from a basic cluttered look to a clean presentable look. This is not just pleasant on the eyes, but also gives you a nice user interface if you want to share on a zoom call or screen recording.

Course: Building a Python GUI Application With Tkinter

May 21, 2024 basicsgui

In this video course, you'll learn the basics of GUI programming with Tkinter, the de facto Python GUI framework. Master GUI programming concepts such as widgets, geometry managers, and event handlers. Then, put it all together by building two applications: a temperature converter and a text editor.

Course: HTML and CSS Foundations for Python Developers

May 14, 2024 basicsdjangoflaskfront-endweb-dev

There's no way around HTML and CSS when you want to build web apps. Even if you're not aiming to become a web developer, knowing the basics of HTML and CSS will help you understand the Web better. In this video course, you'll get an introduction to HTML and CSS for Python programmers.

Course: Python Basics Exercises: Scopes

Apr 23, 2024 basicspython

In this Python Basics Exercises course, you'll practice working with scope in Python. You'll reinforce important coding concepts by working with variables inside and outside of functions and loops. You'll also get to practice the LEGB rule.

Course: Finding Python Easter Eggs

Mar 26, 2024 basics

Python has its fair share of hidden surprises, commonly known as Easter eggs. From clever jokes to secret messages, these little mysteries are often meant to be discovered by curious geeks like you!

Course: Python Basics Exercises: Dictionaries

Mar 12, 2024 basicspython

One of the most useful data structures in Python is the dictionary. In this video course, you’ll practice working with Python dictionaries, see how dictionaries differ from lists and tuples, and define and use dictionaries in your own code.

Course: Python Basics Exercises: Installing Packages With pip

Feb 27, 2024 basicspython

In this Python Basics Exercises video course, you'll practice installing packages with pip. You'll also practice creating virtual environments, making lists of requirements, and recreating a development environment.

Course: Python Basics Exercises: Lists and Tuples

Feb 06, 2024 basicspython

In this Python Basics Exercises video course, you'll practice defining and manipulating Python lists and tuples in your code. By reinforcing your skills, you'll gain confidence in using lists and tuples in your programming projects.