This lesson introduces the Decorators 101 course and gives an overview of what you’ll learn in each of the three sections.
Decorators Course Introduction and Overview
00:00 Hi! My name’s Chris Bailey, and I’ll be taking you through the course Python Decorators 101. So, what are decorators? A decorator is a function that takes another function.
00:09 It extends the behavior of that function without explicitly modifying that function. I know that may sound a little confusing initially here but trust me, I have a game plan laid out for you.
00:20 The course is broken up into three sections. On Section 1, you’ll focus on functions, starting with an example function. Then I’ll show you how functions are first-class objects, how a function can have inner functions, and then how to return a function from within a function. In Section 2, we’ll dive into talking about decorators, starting with simple decorators. And in Section 3, I’ll give you a few real-world examples. Okay. It’s time to get started.
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