Cool New Features in Python 3.8

In this course, you’ll get a look into the newest version of Python. On October 14th, 2019 the first official version of Python 3.8 became ready.

You’ll learn about the following:

  • Using assignment expressions to simplify some code constructs
  • Enforcing positional-only arguments in your own functions
  • Specifying more precise type hints
  • Using f-strings for simpler debugging

With a few exceptions, Python 3.8 contains many small improvements over the earlier versions. Towards the end of the course, you’ll see many of these less attention-grabbing changes, as well as a discussion about some of the optimizations that make Python 3.8 faster than its predecessors.

If you want to learn more, additional resources will be referenced and linked to throughout the course.

What’s Included:

Downloadable Resources:

About Christopher Bailey

Chris is an avid Pythonista and creates video tutorials for Real Python. He is a programmer and data analyst. He creates music under the name Tripnet. Chris lives in Colorado with his wife and two dogs.

» More about Christopher

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Participant Comments

Avatar image for Neeraj

Neeraj on Dec. 17, 2019

Thanks for the course. It was precise and to the point.

Avatar image for Darryl R

Darryl R on Dec. 15, 2019

Very well done and thorough! Thanks!

Avatar image for jojcarter50

jojcarter50 on Nov. 30, 2019

Thanks for the course!

Avatar image for hreves

hreves on Nov. 29, 2019

I am just learning Python and want to start with the latest version. I have been using version 3.7. So this was very helpful to me.

Avatar image for celalaksu

celalaksu on Nov. 29, 2019

Thanks for the course :) It’s very useful to learn new features

Avatar image for Marco Belo

Marco Belo on Nov. 6, 2019

Cool, I do use a lot that print f"variable={variable}" to log what is happening, the new feature will sure help me.

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