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Different Types of Editors

00:00 Okay, so let’s take a look at the different types of editors that we’re going to talk about in this video course, because I’ve split them up in topical, kind of, editors.

00:09 There’s so much out there that it might get really confusing to pick and choose, but what I want to give you here in this overview is just different types of editors and then we’re going to look at a specific example each of an actual editor that works with that sort of concept.

00:24 If you have an understanding of “These are the different concepts that exist,” then you might be much easier in picking the right one, the right tool, for whatever occasion you need it for. Okay!

00:34 So, let’s take a look at those different types. The first one that I’m mentioning here—and I want you to really focus on this first part. So, this is the important part about VIM—in this case, that’s one we’re going to look at—is that it really comes installed with any Unix command-line interface, so you will have access to VIM if you’re using a Mac or a Linux computer.

00:54 And that’s really what makes it important, because the concept that’s interesting here is that if you log in remotely to a server, VIM is going to be there.

01:02 If you’re getting a new computer, switching over, or you have to work on someone else’s computer, you’re always going to have access to this one. So, the second topic is beginner-friendly editors, and there’s certain things that the just command-line based one that we just talked about is not going to be great at, and maybe having a too-complex interface is also not great when you’re getting started. So in this beginner-friendly section, we’re going to look at a not-as-well-known editor that is actually pretty cool called Thonny.

01:31 The next topic is going to be an online interface. So nowadays, there are many, many options to try out some coding online. There’s online interpreters—you can go to a page, evaluate some code to see what it does.

01:43 A lot of online courses provide just an online coding interface. So it’s good to know what these are and what the limitations about them are. So for an online interface, we’re going to take a look at Repl.it.

01:55 There’s other ones, but that’s the one we’re going to look at. Then for a fast and powerful app that you have on your own computer, we’re going to look at Visual Studio Code.

02:02 It’s gained a lot of traction in the previous time, and it’s a great editor, so we’re going to take a look at this one, and then I’ll also mention some other examples for fast and powerful editors that work very similarly. Next, we’re going to take a look at a professional IDE.

02:17 Those are often very complex and have a lot of features that can be extremely handy if you know what you’re doing—and if you actually need that complexity—and we’re going to take a look at PyCharm as a great example for a professional IDE that works with Python. And finally, we’re going to take a look at a data science tool.

02:36 Notebooks are a great way of interacting with code if you’re building out some kind of exploratory data analysis, and we’re going to talk about why that’s the case and look at the currently most popular version of Notebooks, which is Jupyter Notebooks, a great open-source project. So again, on the right side here, you see the editors that we’re going to look at as examples, but keep in mind that they represent different types of editors, simply.

03:03 So the important part is going to be that if you understand the different use cases for those types of editors, it’s going to be much easier for you to choose the right editor for whatever is the task that you’re trying to accomplish. And I hope that in this course, I’ll get you to a good understanding of what’s out there, explain a bit more what are these different types, and then make it easier for you to pick one to accomplish your task in the best possible way. Okay!

03:27 So, let’s start looking at the editors specifically. We’ll start out with VIM, so I’ll see you in the next section.

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