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Python Plotting With Matplotlib (Summary)

As you saw in some of the examples in this course, there’s no getting around the fact that matplotlib can be a technical, syntax-heavy library. Creating a production-ready chart sometimes requires a half hour of Googling and combining a hodgepodge of lines in order to fine-tune a plot.

However, understanding how the interfaces interact is an investment that can pay off down the road. Taking the time to dissect code rather than resorting to the Stack Overflow “copy pasta” solution tends to be a smarter long-term solution. Sticking to the object-oriented approach can save hours of frustration when you want to take a plot from plain to a work of art.

Avatar image for lordchuffnel

lordchuffnel on Nov. 2, 2019

Thanks for the video.

Avatar image for pshekhar2707

pshekhar2707 on March 7, 2020

Good to understand difference between Stateless and Stateful approach of plotting

Avatar image for glaucorolim

glaucorolim on May 3, 2020

Thanks, very clear! understanding the principles… we can move forward

Avatar image for nihalsaRealPython

nihalsaRealPython on June 27, 2020

Good summary but a bit dense/fast for beginners. Tried at 0.75 video speed, which distorts the audio. I ended up pausing and repeating a few times. Overall good course. Next:Seaborn.

Avatar image for aniketbarphe

aniketbarphe on Sept. 4, 2021

It will be great help if get PDF of theory part as well as documented form of code as it makes lot of mistakes while typing the same code.

Avatar image for Glenn Lehman

Glenn Lehman on Sept. 13, 2021

Great learning experience!

I appreciated the advise to type out all the code. This allowed me to modify some of the items and see how this changed the output. Plus my typing skills allowed me to practice some basic debugging.

Thank you.

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