Episode 102: Making Your Notebook Interactive and Using Python's Assert
The Real Python Podcast
Mar 18, 2022 47m
Would you like to build visualizations that allow your audience to play with data? How do you effectively use Python’s assert statement during development? This week on the show, Christopher Trudeau is here, and he’s brought another batch of PyCoder’s Weekly articles and projects.
Episode Sponsor:
We talk about an article that shows how to build interactive visualizations with pandas, seaborn, and ipywidgets. These widgets allow you to add sliders, buttons, and dropdown menus to your Jupyter Notebooks.
Christopher shares the Real Python article “Python’s assert: Debug and Test Your Code Like a Pro”. It covers how to use assert
statements to document, debug, and test code while in development.
We cover several other articles and projects from the Python community, including a news roundup, code review guidelines for data science teams, a project to manage your to-do lists using Python and Django, a Python 4 dream list, a static site generator based on Django, and a book of practical Python projects.
Course Spotlight: Building a Neural Network & Making Predictions With Python AI
In this step-by-step course, you’ll build a neural network from scratch as an introduction to the world of artificial intelligence (AI) in Python. You’ll learn how to train your neural network and make predictions based on a given dataset.
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:02:12 – Tomli TOML Parser Will Be in Python 3.11 Standard Library
- 00:03:53 – Python Core Moving Bug Tracking to Github
- 00:05:54 – Python Release: Python 3.11.0a6
- 00:06:09 – PEPs have a new home with a shiny, new theme!
- 00:07:03 – Python’s assert: Debug and Test Your Code Like a Pro
- 00:10:35 – Sponsor: FusionAuth
- 00:11:12 – Interactive Visualizations with Pandas, Seaborn and Ipywidgets
- 00:16:06 – Code Review Guidelines for Data Science Teams
- 00:19:22 – Manage Your To-Do Lists Using Python and Django
- 00:23:56 – Video Course Spotlight
- 00:24:56 – Your Python 4 Dream List
- 00:34:37 – django-distill | Static Site Generator Based on Django
- 00:38:40 – Practical Python Projects Book
- 00:46:02 – Thanks and Goodbye
- Tomli TOML Parser Will Be in Python 3.11 Standard Library
- Python Core Moving Bug Tracking to Github
- Python Release: Python 3.11.0a6 | Python.org
- “PEPs have a new home with a shiny, new theme!” | Brett Cannon on Twitter
Topic Links:
- Python’s assert: Debug and Test Your Code Like a Pro – Learn how to use Python’s
statement to document, debug, and test code in development. - Interactive Visualizations with Pandas, Seaborn and Ipywidgets – Create interactive visual output using ipywidgets.
- Code Review Guidelines for Data Science Teams – Although written for data science teams, a good article on why any team of coders should do code reviews. How to do them, what to look for, and how to improve your code.
- Manage Your To-Do Lists Using Python and Django – Use Django to build a to-do list manager app. This step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to use Django’s class-based views to build a powerful app while dramatically reducing your development time.
- Your Python 4 Dream List – “If there was to ever be Python 4 (not a minor version increment, but full fledged new Python), what would you like to see in it?”
Additional Links:
- What the heck is pyproject.toml?
- Episode #82: Welcoming the CPython Developer in Residence | The Real Python Podcast
- PEP 0 – Index of Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) | peps.python.org
- seaborn: statistical data visualization | seaborn 0.11.2 documentation
- Cameras and Lenses | Bartosz Ciechanowski
- weasyprint | PyPI