Episode 144: Wrangling Business Process Models With Python and SpiffWorkflow
The Real Python Podcast
Feb 10, 2023 52m
Can you describe your business processes with flowcharts? What if you could define the steps in a standard notation and implement the workflows in pure Python? This week on the show, Dan Funk from Sartography is here to discuss SpiffWorkflow.
Episode Sponsor:
SpiffWorkflow is a Python tool for translating Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) diagrams into a workflow engine. You can manipulate this visual chain of events to suit your team’s business requirements. Individual events in the workflow can contain blocks or scripts of Python code to be executed.
We discuss the concept of low-code software tools. Dan also talks about how SpiffWorkflow aims at getting non-developers within an organization involved in development.
Course Spotlight: Cool New Features in Python 3.11 – Real Python
In this video course, you’ll explore what Python 3.11 brings to the table. You’ll learn how Python 3.11 is the fastest and most user-friendly version of CPython yet, and learn about improvements to the typing system and to the asynchronous features of Python.
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:02:14 – What is SpiffWorkflow?
- 00:03:12 – What is BPMN?
- 00:06:29 – What did you need to add to the project?
- 00:07:12 – What are the components of a diagram?
- 00:12:42 – Examples of workflow
- 00:13:54 – Sponsor: TelemetryHub
- 00:14:29 – What types of industries use BPMN?
- 00:18:02 – Decision Model and Notation (DMN)
- 00:19:34 – What is low-code?
- 00:27:02 – How could someone get involved?
- 00:28:02 – How do you host a workflow?
- 00:29:43 – Video Course Spotlight
- 00:31:05 – What has the project taught you as a developer?
- 00:37:29 – Empowering more members of the organization
- 00:42:07 – Project direction for the next year
- 00:42:51 – Where to start with SpiffWorkflow?
- 00:43:15 – What are you excited about in the world of Python?
- 00:45:59 – What do you want to learn next?
- 00:51:06 – Thanks and goodbye
Show Links:
- SpiffWorkflow
- Overview SpiffWorkflow 1.2.1 documentation
- SpiffWorkflow: A powerful workflow engine implemented in pure Python - GitHub
- Sartography
- Business Process Model and Notation - Wikipedia
- Decision Model and Notation™ (DMN™) | Object Management Group
- Web-based tooling for BPMN, DMN, CMMN, and Forms | bpmn.io
- Creating a Low-Code Business Process Execution Platform With Python, BPMN, and DMN - IEEE Software
- The Low Code Wall, SpiffWorkflow
- SpiffArena, SpiffWorkflow
- Install SpiffArena then build and run your first diagram - YouTube
- MindTrails - University of Virginia
- Practices of the Python Pro
- Episode #49: The Challenges of Developing Into a Python Professional – The Real Python Podcast
- PEP 678: Exceptions can be enriched with notes - Python 3.11.1 documentation
- Building a Ship in a Bottle. : 14 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
- Status - Private, Secure Communication
- Dan Funk - LinkedIn
- SpiffWorkflow (@SpiffWorkflow) - Twitter