Python Thread Safety: Using a Lock and Other Techniques

Python Thread Safety: Using a Lock and Other Techniques

Python threading allows you to run parts of your code concurrently, making the code more efficient. However, when you introduce threading to your code without knowing about thread safety, you may run into issues such as race conditions. You solve these with tools like locks, semaphores, events, conditions, and barriers.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to identify safety issues and prevent them by using the synchronization primitives in Python’s threading module to make your code thread-safe.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn:

  • What thread safety is
  • What race conditions are and how to avoid them
  • How to identify thread safety issues in your code
  • What different synchronization primitives exist in the threading module
  • How to use synchronization primitives to make your code thread-safe

To get the most out of this tutorial, you’ll need to have basic experience working with multithreaded code using Python’s threading module and ThreadPoolExecutor.

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Python Thread Safety: Using a Lock and Other Techniques

In this quiz, you'll test your understanding of Python thread safety. You'll revisit the concepts of race conditions, locks, and other synchronization primitives in the threading module. By working through this quiz, you'll reinforce your knowledge about how to make your Python code thread-safe.

Threading in Python

In this section, you’ll get a general overview of how Python handles threading. Before discussing threading in Python, it’s important to revisit two related terms that you may have heard about in this context:

  • Concurrency: The ability of a system to handle multiple tasks by allowing their execution to overlap in time but not necessarily happen simultaneously.
  • Parallelism: The simultaneous execution of multiple tasks that run at the same time to leverage multiple processing units, typically multiple CPU cores.

Python’s threading is a concurrency framework that allows you to spin up multiple threads that run concurrently, each executing pieces of code. This improves the efficiency and responsiveness of your application. When running multiple threads, the Python interpreter switches between them, handing the control of execution over to each thread.

By running the script below, you can observe the creation of four threads:

import threading
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def threaded_function():
    for number in range(3):
        print(f"Printing from {threading.current_thread().name}. {number=}")

with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4, thread_name_prefix="Worker") as executor:
    for _ in range(4):

In this example, threaded_function prints the values zero to two that your for loop assigns to the loop variable number. Using a ThreadPoolExecutor, four threads are created to execute the threaded function. ThreadPoolExecutor is configured to run a maximum of four threads concurrently with max_workers=4, and each worker thread is named with a “Worker” prefix, as in thread_name_prefix="Worker".

In print(), the .name attribute on threading.current_thread() is used to get the name of the current thread. This will help you identify which thread is executed each time. A call to sleep() is added inside the threaded function to increase the likelihood of a context switch.

You’ll learn what a context switch is in just a moment. First, run the script and take a look at the output:

$ python
Printing from Worker_0. number=0
Printing from Worker_1. number=0
Printing from Worker_2. number=0
Printing from Worker_3. number=0
Printing from Worker_0. number=1
Printing from Worker_2. number=1
Printing from Worker_1. number=1
Printing from Worker_3. number=1
Printing from Worker_0. number=2
Printing from Worker_2. number=2
Printing from Worker_1. number=2
Printing from Worker_3. number=2

Each line in the output represents a print() call from a worker thread, identified by Worker_0, Worker_1, Worker_2, and Worker_3. The number that follows the worker thread name shows the current iteration of the loop each thread is executing. Each thread takes turns executing the threaded_function, and the execution happens in a concurrent rather than sequential manner.

For example, after Worker_0 prints number=0, it’s not immediately followed by Worker_0 printing number=1. Instead, you see outputs from Worker_1, Worker_2, and Worker_3 printing number=0 before Worker_0 proceeds to number=1. You’ll notice from these interleaved outputs that multiple threads are running at the same time, taking turns to execute their part of the code.

This happens because the Python interpreter performs a context switch. This means that Python pauses the execution state of the current thread and passes control to another thread. When the context switches, Python saves the current execution state so that it can resume later. By switching the control of execution at specific intervals, multiple threads can execute code concurrently.

You can check the context switch interval of your Python interpreter by typing the following in the REPL:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.getswitchinterval()

The output of calling the getswitchinterval() is a number in seconds that represents the context switch interval of your Python interpreter. In this case, it’s 0.005 seconds or five milliseconds. You can think of the switch interval as how often the Python interpreter checks if it should switch to another thread.

An interval of five milliseconds doesn’t mean that threads switch exactly every five milliseconds, but rather that the interpreter considers switching to another thread at these intervals.

The switch interval is defined in the Python docs as follows:

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About Adarsh Divakaran

Adarsh is a Pythonista & Backend Developer with expertise in building backend systems & APIs. He has presented at various Python conferences, including Pycascades, Europython, and Flaskcon.

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