Real Python Video Courses

New Features: Article Bookmarks, Completion Status, and Search Improvements

by Dan Bader 3 Comments community

With close to 2,000 Python tutorials and video lessons in the Real Python content library, it was getting harder and harder for learners to find the right resources at the right time.

To fix that, we’ve just launched out several new features to help you easily find and review the learning resources you’re looking for.

Here’s what’s new:

Article Completion Status and Bookmarks

Just like with courses and course lessons, you can now bookmark written tutorials and mark them as completed to track your learning progress.

This makes it super easy to save tutorials you want to read, or to keep tutorials you found valuable around for future reference:

Real Python article bookmarks and completion status
Article Bookmarks & Completion Status Tracking

For example, when I’m learning something new I really like to immerse myself in a topic and to use different media throughout the day.

To put this into practice on Real Python, you might start by bookmarking a number of articles and video lessons, and loading up a relevant podcast episode or two on your phone. That way you already have the broad strokes of the topic placed somewhere on your “mental map.”

Next, you can go fill in the details by completing each bookmarked resource one by one. That way you’ll always have a next step in front of you, whether you’re watching a course on your tablet, working through a written tutorial on your computer, or listening to a podcast episode while doing household chores.

Give bookmarks and article progress tracking a try here on this article—just click one of the Mark as Completed/Bookmark buttons at the top of the article, at the bottom, or in the sidebar.

New and Personalized Search Filters

Our site-wide search feature also gained new powerful options for finding and reviewing content based on completion status, bookmarks, and more.

For example, you can now run personalized search queries like:

Real Python search improvements
Search Improvements & Personalized Filters

This will help you discover new content that’s appropriate for your skill level and interests, so you’ll always know what to focus on next in order to take your Python skills to the next level.

And there’s more:

Looking to continue your Python journey where you left off? Use the search feature to quickly find a list of resources you’ve viewed recently but haven’t completed yet.

You can also use these new search filters to review tutorials and courses you found helpful in the past. This is great, for example, when you want to refresh your memory before a job interview or a code review.

Lastly, you can now also search for podcast episodes.

What’s Next

The data model changes we made to bring you these new features are going to unlock some cool new improvements to the site in the future.

Things like a personalized front page, personalized recommendations, custom tutorial collections, and making it so that you can track your progress on learning paths.

Article completion status, bookmarks, and the search improvements are live right now. Give them a try here on this article and on our site-wide search.

Happy Pythoning!

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About Dan Bader

Dan Bader is the owner and editor in chief of Real Python and the main developer of the learning platform. Dan has been writing code for more than 20 years and holds a master's degree in computer science.

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