The Square Root Function in Python

Christopher Trudeau
Christopher Trudeau 5 Lessons 19m basics

Are you trying to solve a quadratic equation? Maybe you need to calculate the length of one side of a right triangle. You can use the math module’s sqrt() method for determining the square root of a number. This course covers the use of math.sqrt() as well as related methods.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • About square roots and related mathematical operations
  • How to use the Python square root function, sqrt()
  • Where sqrt() can be useful in real-world examples

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About Christopher Trudeau

Christopher has a passion for the Python language and writes, records, and podcasts for Real Python. He is a consultant who helps advise organizations on how to improve their technical teams.

» More about Christopher

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Participant Comments

Avatar image for Doug Ouverson

Doug Ouverson on July 14, 2021

Thank you, Chris, for a job well done.

I like these short, topical tutorials. I’d like to see more of them.


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