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Installing Packages Into a Virtual Environment

Avatar image for aravind

aravind on Sept. 17, 2019

it would help to show where exactly (which folder) does requests get installed into, in both venv and global.

Avatar image for Tasos T

Tasos T on Feb. 8, 2020

Dan, how to add venv in .gitignore ?

Avatar image for Ricky White

Ricky White RP Team on Feb. 8, 2020

You can add you environment to your .gitignore file by just specifying the name. So if you called it venv you would put venv/ into your .gitignore file.

Avatar image for mutley75

mutley75 on March 29, 2020

Why don’t you need to use “pip3” to install packages inside the virtual environment? The examples given change to “pip”

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on July 11, 2020

Once you’ve activated the virtual environment pip will refer to the correct version of the pip package manager automatically, so you no longer need to use the pip3 command at that point.

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