- Dependency management enables modern software development by making well-packaged building blocks available for use in your own programs.
- Key tool: pip—Python’s recommended package manager
- Python packages are hosted on package repositories (PyPI)
- pip has powerful version management features
Recap and Summary - Module 2
00:00 Congratulations, you’ve just completed the managing third-party dependencies with pip module in this course. Let’s review what you’ve learned. So we started out by talking about dependency management what it is good for, what packages are and how they work in Python.
00:16 Next up, you learned about pip, the Python package manager. After that, we made sure you’ve got the latest version of pip installed on your system. Then you learned about Python package repositories like PyPI; after that, we were installing packages from the command line using the pip tool.
00:33 You also learned how to identify and update outdated packages on your system. And last, you learned how to uninstall packages from your Python environment.
00:43 Here are some key takeaways for this module in the course: Dependency management principles and package managers are key ingredients to modern software development.
00:54 They allow you to simply search and install well packaged third party building blocks that you can then use in your own programs. A key tool for that is pip, Python’s recommended package manager.
01:08 Generally, third party Python packages will be hosted on so called package repositories like PyPI. Pip also has powerful version management features, they can help you keep your local packages up to date and under control.
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