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December 30, 2020

This was our final meeting of 2020! What a year it has been! We launched Office Hours back in June and it’s been a ton fun to watch it grow.

In this meeting, we talked about:

  • Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Programming
  • Pros and Cons of Async Web Frameworks
  • Differences between Flask and Django
  • What the -m flag is and when to use python -m
  • Reading large CSV files and emitting events to Apache Kafka
Avatar image for David Amos

David Amos on Dec. 31, 2020

Hey everyone! Happy New Year!

I had such a blast starting Office Hours this year and hanging out with everyone each week.

What were your favorite Office Hours moments so far?

I’ll start. There are too many great moments to list, but one that was really funny was when one of our members, Augusto Val, had trouble registering for the meeting so I signed up for him. When he joined the meeting his name was displayed as David Amos 😂

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