Office Hours Archive

David Amos
David Amos 51 Lessons 55h 38m community

The Real Python Office Hours is a weekly hangout where members of Real Python get the chance to meet fellow Pythonistas to chat about your learning progress, ask questions, and discuss Python tips & tricks via screen sharing.

If you’re curious to re-watch some older sessions to get a feeling of how the live sessions go down, you can take a look in this archive.

In this video course, you can:

  • View previous office hours meetings
  • Download the chat transcript from each meeting
  • Explore resources and bonus materials discussed during each meeting

Check out our Office Hours announcement post to learn more about how Office Hours sessions work and how you can participate.

What’s Included:

Related Learning Paths:


1 Lesson 4m

  1. 1. Welcome to Office Hours04:17

About David Amos

David is a writer, programmer, and mathematician passionate about exploring mathematics through code.

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