Episode 4: Learning Python Through Errors
The Real Python Podcast
Apr 10, 2020 1h 10m
Do you get upset and frustrated when you experience errors running your Python code? This week we have Martin Breuss on the show. We discuss how to learn Python through errors, and how errors really are your friends.
Martin is a video course creator here at Real Python, and we talk briefly about several courses he’s created. We focus on his course about getting started with Django, as a jumping off point for the discussion.
Martin talks about his work with Coding Nomads, and teaching Python around the world. He also provides some tips on debugging and writing good questions.
This episode was recorded at an earlier date, and because of recent events Martin came back to discuss a new #StayAtHome Mentorship Program he’s working on. The program is meant not only for learners but also for those who want to try their hand at being a mentor. We also answer our first listener submitted question.
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:01:18 – Martin Breuss - Introduction
- 00:04:52 – Programming background and MOOCs
- 00:10:17 – Creating Courses for Real Python
- 00:12:02 – Real Python - Django Course
- 00:14:50 – How can errors teach you?
- 00:18:27 – Reading errors from Django
- 00:22:31 – Working with Coding Nomads
- 00:24:16 – Common frustrations for students
- 00:26:52 – Comments and forums
- 00:29:46 – Asking good questions
- 00:34:24 – Debugging tips
- 00:36:37 – Course: Finding the right python code editor
- 00:42:46 – What are you excited about?
- 00:46:05 – MacOS Catalina Python issue
- 00:47:30 – Music for programming
- 00:48:51 – Extended episode details
- 00:49:29 – #StayAtHome Mentorship Program
- 00:58:48 – Listener submitted question
- 00:59:17 – How would you learn Python from scratch?
- 01:09:39 – Final thanks and links
Show links:
- Finding the Perfect Python Code Editor - Video Course
- Get Started With Django: Build a Portfolio App - Video Course
- Get Started With Django Part 1: Build a Portfolio App - Original Article
- Using Jupyter Notebooks - Video Course
- Variables in Python - Video Course
- Beautiful Soup: Build a Web Scraper With Python - Article
- CodingNomads
- CodingNomads Platform
- AI Course With Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig
- Rice University - An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python
- MacOS Catalina Python/GCC compiler issue
- I don’t like notebooks - Jupyter Notebook talk by Joel Grus
- FoxDot_ Live music coding with Python and SuperCollider
- Leap Motion Controller (The hand tracker)
- Geco - for making music with Leap Motion Controller
- #StayAtHome Mentorship Program
- Teaching Python Podcast
- Humble Bundle
- Pythonista Café
- Real Python Community
- Project Euler
- Sololearn - Code learning app
- m1m0 - Code learning app
Music to code to links:
- Chillhop (The eternally studying girl)
- Related Article on Her Test Results
- Noisli - Just Noises
- Classical music playlists on youtube