Episode 6: Python REST APIs and The Well-Grounded Python Developer
The Real Python Podcast
Apr 24, 2020 54m
Are you interested in building REST APIs with Flask and SQLAlchemy? This week we have Doug Farrell on the show. We talk about his four-part Real Python article series on Python REST APIs.
We discuss the various Python tools and libraries used in the series. Doug also shares his practices for continuous learning. Doug has worked in process control, embedded systems, and has a long background in software development.
He’s currently a developer at ShutterFly, and discusses developing tools for his internal customers. He also teaches Python to kids at a STEM school near where he lives.
Doug is writing a book for Manning Publications, “The Well-Grounded Python Developer”. The book is currently available in an early access state. And as always please check out all the additional resources and tools that Doug discusses, they are all gathered for you in the show notes.
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:01:30 – Doug’s programming background
- 00:06:16 – Building a Polargraph
- 00:08:51 – When did you get into Python?
- 00:10:43 – Working at Shutterfly
- 00:13:45 – How does Python help at Shutterfly?
- 00:16:21 – Difficulties for a self-taught developer
- 00:18:58 – How do you keep honing your skills?
- 00:20:32 – Writing articles
- 00:22:04 – Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy Series
- 00:27:54 – Picking tools for REST APIs
- 00:36:27 – The Well-Ground Python Developer Book
- 00:39:27 – What topic are you most interested in covering?
- 00:42:35 – How has working with hardware helped you become a better programmer?
- 00:45:36 – Something you thought you knew about Python, but were wrong about?
- 00:46:25 – What’s a good tool to use for profiling?
- 00:47:34 – Getting up to speed on data science
- 00:50:45 – What are you excited about in the world of Python?
- 00:53:26 – Contact info, thank you and sign off
Show links:
- Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy
- Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy – Part 2
- Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy – Part 3
- Build a JavaScript Front End for a Flask API (Previously Part 4)
- API Integration in Python – Part 1
- Flask Tutorials - Real Python
- SQLAlchemy - The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
- marshmallow: simplified object serialization
- Swagger - API Development for Everyone
- Connexion - Swagger/OpenAPI First framework for Python
- Serialization - Wikipedia article
- Working With JSON Data in Python - Real Python Article
- Ajax - Wikipedia article
- What’s a polargraph
- Polargraph (vertical plotter / drawing machine) written in Go
- The Python Profilers - docs.python.org
- Python Timer Functions: Three Ways to Monitor Your Code - Real Python
- Doug’s personal website
- The Well-Grounded Python Developer - Early Access Book
- Doug’s Linked-In Profile