Austin Cepalia

About Austin Cepalia

Hi I’m Austin Cepalia, a video tutorial author at Real Python. I started working with Real Python in the very early days of the video courses, and I’ve had a blast combining my passions for software engineering, education, and video production here ever since.

I started working on video courses as a freshman in college. I have “fond” memories of trying to find a quiet place on campus to record my voice-overs, as recording in a little dorm with three roomates wasn’t gonna cut it. I graduated with a BS in CS from Rochester Institue of Technology in 2023, and now I work full-time as a software engineer writing software that supports the development of optical systems. Some of these systems are used in photolithography machines that make the semiconductor chips in the device you’re reading this on. Needless to say, I consider learning a full-time job.

My favorite thing about Python is how powerful and accessible it is. A biologist can use Matplotlib to quickly generate advanced plots without having to worry too much about constructs like static methods and pointers…and yet Python supports all the fancy constructs that help software engineers like myself use it to build large-scale production-ready systems.

Outside of software I’ve got a sweet four year old dog named Charlie. He sleeps on my feet while I work on video courses.

Tutorials by Austin: