Exploring Python's tuple Data Type With Examples

Joseph Peart
Joseph Peart 11 Lessons 44m intermediate python

In Python, a tuple is a built-in data type that allows you to create immutable sequences of values. The values or items in a tuple can be of any type. This makes tuples pretty useful in those situations where you need to store heterogeneous data, like that in a database record, for example.

Through this tutorial, you’ll dive deep into Python tuples and get a solid understanding of their key features and use cases. This knowledge will allow you to write more efficient and reliable code by taking advantage of tuples.

In this video course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create tuples in Python
  • Access the items in an existing tuple
  • Unpack, return, copy, and concatenate tuples
  • Reverse, sort, and traverse existing tuples
  • Explore other features and common gotchas of tuples

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About Joseph Peart

Joseph is a software developer, data geek, bootcamp instructor, and board game enthusiast. He lives in Canada with his wife and cats. He loves learning new things, teaching those things to other people, and talking about himself in the third person.

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