About Leodanis Pozo Ramos
Leodanis Pozo Ramos is an Industrial Engineer based on Belgrade, Serbia. After graduating from the University, he got a Master’s Degree in Quality Assurance (QA) and worked for more than ten years as a QA and machinery lubrication engineering.
Since he loves computers and software development, he decided to change his career and become a software developer. Today, he’s a self-taught Python developer with +6 years of learning and using the language.
He’s an avid technical writer with a growing number of Python articles and tutorials published on prestigious sites, such as realpython.com, LearnPyQt.com, and StackAbuse.com.
His articles and tutorials have been recognized by the Python Community and the Real Python community.
Thank you for reading!
Tutorials by Leodanis:
- Python for Loops: The Pythonic Way
- Build a Dice-Rolling Application With Python
- A Guide to Modern Python String Formatting Tools
- Build a Tic-Tac-Toe Game With Python and Tkinter
- Providing Multiple Constructors in Your Python Classes
- Lists vs Tuples in Python
- Python's zipfile: Manipulate Your ZIP Files Efficiently
- Python's "in" and "not in" Operators: Check for Membership
- Python's Mutable vs Immutable Types: What's the Difference?
- Python's raise: Effectively Raising Exceptions in Your Code
- Getters and Setters: Manage Attributes in Python
- Python Constants: Improve Your Code's Maintainability
- How to Install Python on Your System: A Guide
- Python Class Constructors: Control Your Object Instantiation
- Python's min() and max(): Find Smallest and Largest Values
- Variables in Python: Usage and Best Practices
- Python's assert: Debug and Test Your Code Like a Pro
- Operators and Expressions in Python
- Iterators and Iterables in Python: Run Efficient Iterations
- Strings and Character Data in Python
- How to Flatten a List of Lists in Python
- Basic Data Types in Python: A Quick Exploration
- Dictionaries in Python
- Python's property(): Add Managed Attributes to Your Classes
- Python Classes: The Power of Object-Oriented Programming
- Build Enumerations of Constants With Python's Enum
- Build Command-Line Interfaces With Python's argparse
- Python Set Comprehensions: How and When to Use Them
- How to Run Your Python Scripts and Code
- Using and Creating Global Variables in Your Python Functions
- Python String Formatting: Available Tools and Their Features
- Efficient String Concatenation in Python
- How to Iterate Through a Dictionary in Python
- Using the Python zip() Function for Parallel Iteration
- Python Dictionary Comprehensions: How and When to Use Them
- Python Closures: Common Use Cases and Examples
- Syntactic Sugar: Why Python Is Sweet and Pythonic
- Build a Contact Book App With Python, Textual, and SQLite
- Python News Roundup: August 2024
- Asynchronous Iterators and Iterables in Python
- Python Protocols: Leveraging Structural Subtyping
- Python's Built-in Functions: A Complete Exploration
- Creating Great README Files for Your Python Projects
- String Interpolation in Python: Exploring Available Tools
- Python's Built-in Exceptions: A Walkthrough With Examples
- Python News: What's New From April 2024
- Python's unittest: Writing Unit Tests for Your Code
- Write Unit Tests for Your Python Code With ChatGPT
- Python's __all__: Packages, Modules, and Wildcard Imports
- Duck Typing in Python: Writing Flexible and Decoupled Code
- BNF Notation: Dive Deeper Into Python's Grammar
- Python News: What's New From January 2024
- Python's Format Mini-Language for Tidy Strings
- Python's Magic Methods: Leverage Their Power in Your Classes
- Build a Hangman Game With Python and PySimpleGUI
- Single and Double Underscores in Python Names
- Build Conway's Game of Life With Python
- Document Your Python Code and Projects With ChatGPT
- Python's tuple Data Type: A Deep Dive With Examples
- Python News: What's New From August 2023
- Click and Python: Build Extensible and Composable CLI Apps
- Python 3.12 Preview: More Intuitive and Consistent F-Strings
- Python's list Data Type: A Deep Dive With Examples
- Python's .__call__() Method: Creating Callable Instances
- SOLID Principles: Improve Object-Oriented Design in Python
- Python News: What's New From March 2023
- Python's del: Remove References From Scopes and Containers
- The Python Standard REPL: Try Out Code and Ideas Quickly
- Python's Assignment Operator: Write Robust Assignments
- Python's doctest: Document and Test Your Code at Once
- Python News: What's New From September 2022
- Custom Python Strings: Inheriting From str vs UserString
- Custom Python Lists: Inheriting From list vs UserList
- Python and PyQt: Building a GUI Desktop Calculator
- Python's exec(): Execute Dynamically Generated Code
- Custom Python Dictionaries: Inheriting From dict vs UserDict
- How Can You Emulate Do-While Loops in Python?
- LBYL vs EAFP: Preventing or Handling Errors in Python
- Python News: What's New From March 2022
- Build a Site Connectivity Checker in Python
- Python's all(): Check Your Iterables for Truthiness
- Python Zip Imports: Distribute Modules and Packages Quickly
- Build a Command-Line To-Do App With Python and Typer
- Python's zipapp: Build Executable Zip Applications
- Using the "not" Boolean Operator in Python
- Python's sum(): The Pythonic Way to Sum Values
- Reverse Strings in Python: reversed(), Slicing, and More
- Using the "and" Boolean Operator in Python
- Python's deque: Implement Efficient Queues and Stacks
- Python's ChainMap: Manage Multiple Contexts Effectively
- Python's collections: A Buffet of Specialized Data Types
- What Can I Do With Python?
- Python's Counter: The Pythonic Way to Count Objects
- Reverse Python Lists: Beyond .reverse() and reversed()
- Python's filter(): Extract Values From Iterables
- Context Managers and Python's with Statement
- Build a Bulk File Rename Tool With Python and PyQt
- Write Pythonic and Clean Code With namedtuple
- Build a Python Directory Tree Generator for the Command Line
- OrderedDict vs dict in Python: The Right Tool for the Job
- Build a Contact Book With Python, PyQt, and SQLite
- Python and MongoDB: Connecting to NoSQL Databases
- Python Inner Functions: What Are They Good For?
- Qt Designer and Python: Build Your GUI Applications Faster
- How to Use Python: Your First Steps
- Python's .append(): Add Items to Your Lists in Place
- Use PyQt's QThread to Prevent Freezing GUIs
- Handling SQL Databases With PyQt: The Basics
- PyQt Layouts: Create Professional-Looking GUI Applications
- Python and PyQt: Creating Menus, Toolbars, and Status Bars
- Python's map(): Processing Iterables Without a Loop
- The Python return Statement: Usage and Best Practices
- Python's reduce(): From Functional to Pythonic Style
- Python eval(): Evaluate Expressions Dynamically
- Python Scope & the LEGB Rule: Resolving Names in Your Code
- Using the Python defaultdict Type for Handling Missing Keys
- Using the "or" Boolean Operator in Python
Tutorials Leodanis Contributed to:
- Create and Modify PDF Files in Python
- How to Get a List of All Files in a Directory With Python
- How to Remove Items From Lists in Python
- Using Python's pip to Manage Your Projects' Dependencies
- YAML: The Missing Battery in Python
- Python's F-String for String Interpolation and Formatting
- Python range(): Represent Numerical Ranges
- Using the len() Function in Python
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) in Python Web Apps: Explained With Lego
- Python's Array: Working With Numeric Data Efficiently
- Build a Hangman Game for the Command Line in Python
- Build a Code Image Generator With Python
- ChatGPT: Your Personal Python Coding Mentor
- When Should You Use .__repr__() vs .__str__() in Python?
- Discover bpython: A Python REPL With IDE-Like Features
- Build Your Python Project Documentation With MkDocs
- Build a Hash Table in Python With TDD
- Python 3.11 Preview: Even Better Error Messages
- Raining Outside? Build a Weather CLI App With Python
- A Python Guide to the Fibonacci Sequence
- How Long Does It Take to Learn Python?
- Using Python Optional Arguments When Defining Functions
- Python and REST APIs: Interacting With Web Services
- Python Practice Problems: Parsing CSV Files
- Building a Python Command-Line To-Do App With Typer (Course)
- Exploring Python's tuple Data Type With Examples (Course)
- Building Dictionary Comprehensions in Python (Course)
- Handling or Preventing Errors in Python: LBYL vs EAFP (Course)
- Python's Magic Methods in Classes (Course)
- Differences Between Python's Mutable and Immutable Types (Course)
- Defining Python Constants for Code Maintainability (Course)
- Build a GUI Calculator With PyQt and Python (Course)
- Efficient Iterations With Python Iterators and Iterables (Course)
- Flattening a List of Lists in Python (Course)
- Working With Global Variables in Python Functions (Course)
- Using raise for Effective Exceptions (Course)
- Create Conway's Game of Life With Python (Course)
- Building Enumerations With Python's enum (Course)
- Using Python's min() and max() (Course)
- Design and Guidance: Object-Oriented Programming in Python (Course)
- Inheritance and Internals: Object-Oriented Programming in Python (Course)
- Class Concepts: Object-Oriented Programming in Python (Course)
- Reversing Strings in Python (Course)
- Filtering Iterables With Python (Course)
- Getting the Most Out of the Python Standard REPL (Course)
- Using Python's assert to Debug and Test Your Code (Course)
- Using OrderedDict in Python (Course)
- Summing Values the Pythonic Way With sum() (Course)
- Manipulating ZIP Files With Python (Course)
- Writing Clean, Pythonic Code With namedtuple (Course)
- Getters and Setters in Python (Course)
- Context Managers and Using Python's with Statement (Course)
- Using Multiple Constructors in Your Python Classes (Course)
- Building Command Line Interfaces With argparse (Course)
- Managing Attributes With Python's property() (Course)
- Using the Python not Operator (Course)
- Using the Python and Operator (Course)
- Building a Site Connectivity Checker (Course)
- Using Python Class Constructors (Course)
- Counting With Python's Counter (Course)
- Building Lists With Python's .append() (Course)
- Using the Python return Statement Effectively (Course)
- Python Inner Functions (Course)
- Python Basics: Setting Up Python (Course)
- Using the Python or Operator (Course)
- Python's map() Function: Transforming Iterables (Course)
- Creating PyQt Layouts for GUI Applications (Course)
- Evaluate Expressions Dynamically With Python eval() (Course)
- Formatting Python Strings (Course)
- Handling Missing Keys With the Python defaultdict Type (Course)
- Parallel Iteration With Python's zip() Function (Course)
- Exploring Basic Data Types in Python (Course)
- Python Dictionary Iteration: Advanced Tips & Tricks (Course)
- Variables in Python (Course)
- Strings and Character Data in Python (Course)
- Lists and Tuples in Python (Course)
- Using Dictionaries in Python (Course)
- Installing Python on Windows, macOS, and Linux (Course)
- Python String Formatting Tips & Best Practices (Course)
- Running Python Scripts (Course)
- For Loops in Python (Definite Iteration) (Course)