Custom Python Strings: Inheriting From str vs UserString

Custom Python Strings: Inheriting From str vs UserString

by Leodanis Pozo Ramos 0 Comments intermediate python

The Python str class has many useful features that can help you out when you’re processing text or strings in your code. However, in some situations, all these great features may not be enough for you. You may need to create custom string-like classes. To do this in Python, you can inherit from the built-in str class directly or subclass UserString, which lives in the collections module.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create custom string-like classes by inheriting from the built-in str class
  • Build custom string-like classes by subclassing UserString from the collections module
  • Decide when to use str or UserString to create custom string-like classes

Meanwhile, you’ll write a few examples that’ll help you decide whether to use str or UserString when you’re creating your custom string classes. Your choice will mostly depend on your specific use case.

To follow along with this tutorial, it’ll help if you’re familiar with Python’s built-in str class and its standard features. You’ll also need to know the basics of object-oriented programming and inheritance in Python.

Creating String-Like Classes in Python

The built-in str class allows you to create strings in Python. Strings are sequences of characters that you’ll use in many situations, especially when working with textual data. From time to time, the standard functionalities of Python’s str may be insufficient to fulfill your needs. So, you may want to create custom string-like classes that solve your specific problem.

You’ll typically find at least two reasons for creating custom string-like classes:

  1. Extending the regular string by adding new functionality
  2. Modifying the standard string’s functionality

You can also face situations in which you need to both extend and modify the standard functionality of strings at the same time.

In Python, you’ll commonly use one of the following techniques to create your string-like classes. You can inherit from the Python built-in str class directly or subclass UserString from collections.

One relevant feature of Python strings is immutability, which means that you can’t modify them in place. So, when selecting the appropriate technique to create your own custom string-like classes, you need to consider whether your desired features will affect immutability or not.

For example, if you need to modify the current behavior of existing string methods, then you’ll probably be okay subclassing str. In contrast, if you need to change how strings are created, then inheriting from str will demand advanced knowledge. You’ll have to override the .__new__() method. In this latter case, inheriting from UserString may make your life easier because you won’t have to touch .__new__().

In the upcoming sections, you’ll learn the pros and cons of each technique so that you can decide which is the best strategy to use for your specific problem.

Inheriting From Python’s Built-in str Class

For a long time, it was impossible to inherit directly from Python types implemented in C. Python 2.2 fixed this issue. Now you can subclass built-in types, including str. This new feature is quite convenient when you need to create custom string-like classes.

By inheriting from str directly, you can extend and modify the standard behavior of this built-in class. You can also tweak the instantiation process of your custom string-like classes to perform transformations before new instances are ready.

Extending the String’s Standard Behavior

An example of requiring a custom string-like class is when you need to extend the standard Python strings with new behavior. For example, say that you need a string-like class that implements a new method to count the number of words in the underlying string.

In this example, your custom string will use the whitespace character as its default word separator. However, it should also allow you to provide a specific separator character. To code a class that fulfills these needs, you can do something like this:

>>> class WordCountString(str):
...     def words(self, separator=None):
...         return len(self.split(separator))

This class inherits from str directly. This means that it provides the same interface as its parent class.

On top of this inherited interface, you add a new method called .words(). This method takes a separator character as an argument that is passed on to .split(). Its default value is None which will split on runs of consecutive whitespace. Then you call .split() with the target separator to split the underlying string into words. Finally, you use the len() function to determine the word count.

Here’s how you can use this class in your code:

>>> sample_text = WordCountString(
...     """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime
...     mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur
...     voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit
...     fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique
...     accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum
...     ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid
...     culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error,
...     harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid."""
... )

>>> sample_text.words()

Cool! Your .words() methods works fine. It splits the input text into words and then returns the word count. You can modify how this method delimits and processes words, but the current implementation works okay for this demonstrative example.

In this example, you haven’t modified the standard behavior of Python’s str. You’ve just added new behavior to your custom class. However, it’s also possible to change the default behavior of str by overriding any of its default methods, as you’ll explore next.

Modifying the String’s Standard Behavior

To learn how to modify the standard behavior of str in a custom string-like class, say that you need a string class that always prints its letters in uppercase. You can do this by overriding the .__str__() special method, which takes care of how string objects are printed.

Here’s an UpperPrintString class that behaves as you need:

>>> class UpperPrintString(str):
...     def __str__(self):
...         return self.upper()

Again, this class inherits from str. The .__str__() method returns a copy to the underlying string, self, with all of its letters in uppercase. To transform the letters, you use the .upper() method.

To try out your custom string-like class, go ahead and run the following code:

>>> sample_string = UpperPrintString("Hello, Pythonista!")

>>> print(sample_string)

>>> sample_string
'Hello, Pythonista!'

When you print an instance of UpperPrintString, you get the string in uppercase letters on your screen. Note that the original string wasn’t modified or affected. You only changed the standard printing feature of str.

Tweaking the Instantiation Process of str

In this section, you’ll do something different. You’ll create a string-like class that transforms the original input string before making the final string object. For example, say that you need a string-like class that stores all of its letters in lowercase. To do this, you’ll try to override the class initializer, .__init__(), and do something like this:

>>> class LowerString(str):
...     def __init__(self, string):
...         super().__init__(string.lower())

In this code snippet, you provide an .__init__() method that overrides the default str initializer. Inside this .__init__() implementation, you use super() to access the parent class’s .__init__() method. Then you call .lower() on the input string to convert all of its letters into lowercase letters before initializing the current string.

However, the above code doesn’t work, as you’ll confirm in the following example:

>>> sample_string = LowerString("Hello, Pythonista!")
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: object.__init__() takes exactly one argument...

Since str objects are immutable, you can’t change their value in .__init__(). This is because the value is set during object creation and not during object initialization. The only way to transform the value of a given string during the instantiation process is to override the .__new__() method.

Here’s how to do this:

>>> class LowerString(str):
...     def __new__(cls, string):
...         instance = super().__new__(cls, string.lower())
...         return instance

>>> sample_string = LowerString("Hello, Pythonista!")
>>> sample_string
'hello, pythonista!'

In this example, your LowerString class overrides the super class’s .__new__() method to customize how instances are created. In this case, you transform the input string before creating the new LowerString object. Now your class works as you need it to. It takes a string as input and stores it as a lowercase string.

If you ever need to transform the input string at instantiation time, then you’ll have to override .__new__(). This technique will require advanced knowledge of Python’s data model and special methods.

Subclassing UserString From collections

The second tool that allows you to create custom string-like classes is the UserString class from the collections module. This class is a wrapper around the built-in str type. It was designed to develop string-like classes when it wasn’t possible to inherit from the built-in str class directly.

The possibility of directly subclassing str means you might have less need for UserString. However, this class is still available in the standard library, both for convenience and backward compatibility. In practice, this class also has some hidden features that can be helpful, as you’ll learn soon.

The most relevant feature of UserString is its .data attribute, which gives you access to the wrapped string object. This attribute can facilitate the creation of custom strings, especially in cases where your desired customization affects the string mutability.

In the following two sections, you’ll revisit the examples from previous sections, but this time you’ll be subclassing UserString instead of str. To kick things off, you’ll start by extending and modifying the standard behavior of Python strings.

Extending and Modifying the String’s Standard Behavior

Instead of subclassing the built-in str class, you could implement WordCountString and UpperPrintString by inheriting from the UserString class. This new implementation will only require you to change the superclass. You won’t have to change the original internal implementation of your classes.

Here are new versions of WordCountString and UpperPrintString:

>>> from collections import UserString

>>> class WordCountString(UserString):
...     def words(self, separator=None):
...         return len(self.split(separator))

>>> class UpperPrintString(UserString):
...     def __str__(self):
...         return self.upper()

The only difference between these new implementations and the original ones is that now you’re inheriting from UserString. Note that inheriting from UserString requires you to import the class from the collections module.

If you try out these classes with the same examples as before, then you’ll confirm that they work the same as their equivalent classes based on str:

>>> sample_text = WordCountString(
...     """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime
...     mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur
...     voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit
...     fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique
...     accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum
...     ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid
...     culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error,
...     harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid."""
... )

>>> sample_text.words()

>>> sample_string = UpperPrintString("Hello, Pythonista!")
>>> print(sample_string)

>>> sample_string
'Hello, Pythonista!'

In these examples, your new implementations of WordCountString and UpperPrintString work the same as the old ones. So, why should you use UserString rather than str? Up to this point, there’s no apparent reason for doing this. However, UserString comes in handy when you need to modify how your strings are created.

Tweaking the Instantiation Process of UserString

You can code the LowerString class by inheriting from UserString. By changing the parent class, you’ll be able to customize the initialization process in the instance initializer, .__init__(), without overriding the instance creator, .__new__().

Here’s your new version of LowerString and how it works in practice:

>>> from collections import UserString

>>> class LowerString(UserString):
...     def __init__(self, string):
...         super().__init__(string.lower())

>>> sample_string = LowerString("Hello, Pythonista!")
>>> sample_string
'hello, pythonista!'

In the example above, you’ve made running transformations on the input string possible by using UserString instead of str as your superclass. The transformations are possible because UserString is a wrapper class that stores the final string in its .data attribute, which is the real immutable object.

Because UserString is a wrapper around the str class, it provides a flexible and straightforward way to create custom strings with mutable behaviors. Providing mutable behaviors by inheriting from str is complicated because of the class’s natural immutability condition.

In the following section, you’ll use UserString to create a string-like class that simulates a mutable string data type.

Simulating Mutations in Your String-Like Classes

As a final example of why you should have UserString in your Python tool kit, say that you need a mutable string-like class. In other words, you need a string-like class that you can modify in place.

Unlike lists and dictionaries, strings don’t provide the .__setitem__() special method, because they’re immutable. Your custom string will need this method to allow you to update characters and slices by their indices using an assignment statement.

Your string-like class will also need to change the standard behavior of common string methods. To keep this example short, you’ll only modify the .upper() and .lower() methods. Finally, you’ll provide a .sort() method to sort your string in place.

Standard string methods don’t mutate the underlying string. They return a new string object with the required transformation. In your custom string, you need the methods to perform their changes in place.

To achieve all these goals, fire up your favorite code editor, create a file named, and write the following code:

 1from collections import UserString
 3class MutableString(UserString):
 4    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
 5        data_as_list = list(
 6        data_as_list[index] = value
 7 = "".join(data_as_list)
 9    def __delitem__(self, index):
10        data_as_list = list(
11        del data_as_list[index]
12 = "".join(data_as_list)
14    def upper(self):
15 =
17    def lower(self):
18 =
20    def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False):
21 = "".join(sorted(, key=key, reverse=reverse))

Here’s how this code works line by line:

  • Line 3 imports UserString from collections.

  • Line 5 creates MutableString as a subclass of UserString.

  • Line 6 defines .__setitem__(). Python calls this special method whenever you run an assignment operation on a sequence using an index, like in sequence[0] = value. This implementation of .__setitem__() turns .data into a list, replaces the item at index with value, builds the final string using .join(), and assigns its value back to .data. The whole process simulates an in-place transformation or mutation.

  • Line 11 defines .__delitem__(), the special method that allows you to use the del statement for removing characters by index from your mutable string. It’s implemented similar to .__setitem__(). On line 13, you use del to delete items from the temporary list.

  • Line 16 overrides UserString.upper() and calls str.upper() on .data. Then it stores the result back in .data. Again, this last operation simulates an in-place mutation.

  • Line 19 overrides UserString.lower() using the same technique as in .upper().

  • Line 22 defines .sort(), which combines the built-in sorted() function with the str.join() method to create a sorted version of the original string. Note that this method has the same signature as list.sort() and the built-in sorted() function.

That’s it! Your mutable string is ready! To try it out, get back to your Python shell and run the following code:

>>> from mutable_string import MutableString

>>> sample_string = MutableString("ABC def")
>>> sample_string
'ABC def'

>>> sample_string[4] = "x"
>>> sample_string[5] = "y"
>>> sample_string[6] = "z"
>>> sample_string
'ABC xyz'

>>> del sample_string[3]
>>> sample_string

>>> sample_string.upper()
>>> sample_string

>>> sample_string.lower()
>>> sample_string

>>> sample_string.sort(reverse=True)
>>> sample_string

Great! Your new mutable string-like class works as expected. It allows you to modify the underlying string in place, as you would do with a mutable sequence. Note that this example covers a few string methods only. You can play with other methods and continue providing your class with new mutability features.


You’ve learned to create custom string-like classes with new or modified behaviors. You’ve done this by subclassing the built-in str class directly and by inheriting from UserString, which is a convenient class available in the collections module.

Inheriting from str and subclassing UserString are both suitable options when it comes to creating your own string-like classes in Python.

In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to:

  • Create string-like classes by inheriting from the built-in str class
  • Build string-like classes by subclassing UserString from the collections module
  • Decide when to subclass str or UserString to create your custom string-like classes

Now you’re ready to write custom string-like classes, which will allow you to leverage the full power of this valuable and commonplace data type in Python.

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About Leodanis Pozo Ramos

Leodanis is an industrial engineer who loves Python and software development. He's a self-taught Python developer with 6+ years of experience. He's an avid technical writer with a growing number of articles published on Real Python and other sites.

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