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Make Forward Progress Every Day

We try to make our video lessons “bite-sized” so you can easily fit them in with your day. Another tip for keeping motivation high and to maximize your results is to focus on making forward progress every single day.

I can’t play this (and other) video(s) in safari - macbook pro 2019 , macos catalina. Any suggestions? Thanks

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on Nov. 24, 2019

@Farshad: Sorry to hear that! Any chance you’re using an adblocker or some kind of privacy browser extension that might be interfering with the site? We’ve got some more troubleshooting info here in our support base: How to troubleshoot video playback issues if none of these tips work please send me an email at info@realpython.com so we can get to the bottom of it :)

Avatar image for Wilrog

Wilrog on Feb. 13, 2020

Hi Dan and Farshad,

Was Farshad’s playback issue ever resolved?

I am about to upgrade to MacOs Catalina, but won’t do it now if it means losing access to RealPython.


Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on Feb. 13, 2020

@Will: Yep, the videos work fine on macOS Catalina. I’m using it myself right now :)

Avatar image for Wilrog

Wilrog on Feb. 13, 2020

Thanks, Dan. BTW, I’ve been an occasional RealPython reader for a while. Great content! You and your team are doing a great job on this. I (finally) signed for full membership yesterday, and am happy I did. My worst problem so far is finishing one tutorial or article and immediately starting another that catches my attention. So, I guess if that is my worst problem, things are pretty good.

Avatar image for Dan Bader

Dan Bader RP Team on Feb. 13, 2020

Cheers Will, and welcome aboard! That’s a good problem to have indeed :) See you soon on the RP Community Slack!

Avatar image for Deepak Nallajerla

Deepak Nallajerla on Dec. 17, 2020

I like this idea “Make Forward Progress Every Day” I am going to promise myself to make little progress each day. I am part of real python family for last 1-2 months, however this is first time I am watching this video. This really has very cool tips on how to get most out of real python. I am positive that I did right thing joining Real Python family.

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