Using Pygame to Build an Asteroids Game in Python

Do you want to create your own computer games but like Python too much to abandon it for a career as a game developer? There’s a solution for that! With the Pygame module, you can use your amazing Python skills to create games, from the basic to the very complex. Below, you’ll learn how to use Pygame by making a clone of the Asteroids game!

In this course, you’ll learn how to build a complete game, including:

  • Loading images and displaying them on the screen
  • Handling user input in order to control the game
  • Moving objects according to the game logic
  • Detecting collisions between objects
  • Displaying text on the screen
  • Playing sounds

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About Christopher Trudeau

Christopher has a passion for the Python language and writes, records, and podcasts for Real Python. He is a consultant who helps advise organizations on how to improve their technical teams.

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Participant Comments

Avatar image for froyathehen

froyathehen on April 25, 2022

Christopher Trudeau, not only was it educational but a great deal of amusement! Looking forward to getting through some more content of yours ^^ Thanks!

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