Episode 58: Podcast Rewind With Guest Highlights for 2020-2021
The Real Python Podcast
Apr 30, 2021 44m
This week’s show is a bit different. We are taking a well-deserved short break, but we still wanted to share an episode with you. This rewind episode highlights clips from the many interviews over the past year or so of the show.
Episode Sponsor:
We also hear from many new listeners who have just discovered the show. Welcome aboard! We wanted to provide a sample of guests, topics, and questions we feature on the show.
For long-time listeners, this will be a brisk walk through past episodes and guests. We’ve talked with many guests, and it was hard to narrow it down to the sample provided here. We hope you enjoy this podcast rewind, and look forward to sharing a fantastic slate of upcoming guests.
Course Spotlight: Plot With Pandas: Python Data Visualization Basics
In this course, you’ll get to know the basic plotting possibilities that Python provides in the popular data analysis library pandas. You’ll learn about the different kinds of plots that pandas offers, how to use them for data exploration, and which types of plots are best for certain use cases.
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:01:28 – E03 Brett Slatkin: Is Python a good tool for infrastructure?
- 00:03:30 – E07 Łukasz Langa: Origins of Black
- 00:10:55 – E08 Tania Allard: Reproducibility of project results
- 00:13:06 – Sponsor: Digital Ocean
- 00:13:47 – E11 Anthony Shaw: DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
- 00:16:38 – E16 Hannah Stepanek: Creating NumPy types
- 00:20:02 – E18 Armin Ronacher: What would you change if you started the Flask project from scratch?
- 00:23:20 – E22 Russell Keith-Magee: Funding open-source projects
- 00:26:27 – E26 Michael Kennedy: How is the GIL part of the problem?
- 00:29:18 – Video Course Spotlight
- 00:30:27 – E30 Christopher Trudeau - The PEG parser
- 00:33:00 – E39 Reuven Lerner: What makes generator functions different?
- 00:37:35 – E47 Brett Cannon: Unravelling Python’s syntatic sugar series
- 00:43:43 – Thanks and goodbye
Show Links:
- Episode 3: Effective Python and Python at Google Scale - With Brett Slatkin
- Episode 7: AsyncIO + Music, Origins of Black, and Managing Python Releases - With Łukasz Langa
- Episode 8: Docker + Python for Data Science and Machine Learning - With Tania Allard
- Episode 11: Advice on Getting Started With Testing in Python - With Anthony Shaw
- Episode 16: Thinking in Pandas: Python Data Analysis the Right Way - With Hannah Stepanek
- Episode 18: Ten Years of Flask: Conversation With Creator Armin Ronacher
- Episode 22: Create Cross-Platform Python GUI Apps With BeeWare - With Russell Keith-Magee
- Episode 26: 5 Years Podcasting Python with Michael Kennedy: Growth, GIL, Async, and More
- Episode 30: Exploring the New Features of Python 3.9 - With Geir Arne Hjelle and Christopher Trudeau
- Episode 39: Generators, Coroutines, and Learning Python Through Exercises - With Reuven Lerner
- Episode 47: Unraveling Python’s Syntax to Its Core With Brett Cannon