Python while Loops: Repeating Tasks Conditionally

Python while Loops: Repeating Tasks Conditionally

by Leodanis Pozo Ramos Mar 03, 2025 basics python

Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Mastering While Loops

Python’s while loop enables you to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a given condition remains true. Unlike for loops, which iterate a known number of times, while loops are ideal for situations where the number of iterations isn’t known upfront.

Loops are a pretty useful construct in Python, so learning how to write and use them is a great skill for you as a Python developer.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll understand that:

  • while is a Python keyword used to initiate a loop that repeats a block of code as long as a condition is true.
  • A while loop works by evaluating a condition at the start of each iteration. If the condition is true, then the loop executes. Otherwise, it terminates.
  • while loops are useful when the number of iterations is unknown, such as waiting for a condition to change or continuously processing user input.
  • while True in Python creates an infinite loop that continues until a break statement or external interruption occurs.
  • Python lacks a built-in do-while loop, but you can emulate it using a while True loop with a break statement for conditional termination.

With this knowledge, you’re prepared to write effective while loops in your Python programs, handling a wide range of iteration needs.

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Python while Loops: Repeating Tasks Conditionally

In this quiz, you'll test your understanding of Python's while loop. This loop allows you to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a given condition remains true. Understanding how to use while loops effectively is a crucial skill for any Python developer.

Getting Started With Python while Loops

In programming, loops are control flow statements that allow you to repeat a given set of operations a number of times. In practice, you’ll find two main types of loops:

  1. for loops are mostly used to iterate a known number of times, which is common when you’re processing data collections with a specific number of data items.
  2. while loops are commonly used to iterate an unknown number of times, which is useful when the number of iterations depends on a given condition.

Python has both of these loops and in this tutorial, you’ll learn about while loops. In Python, you’ll generally use while loops when you need to repeat a series of tasks an unknown number of times.

Python while loops are compound statements with a header and a code block that runs until a given condition becomes false. The basic syntax of a while loop is shown below:

Python Syntax
while condition:

In this syntax, condition is an expression that the loop evaluates for its truth value. If the condition is true, then the loop body runs. Otherwise, the loop terminates. Note that the loop body can consist of one or more statements that must be indented properly.

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of this syntax:

  • while is the keyword that initiates the loop header.
  • condition is an expression evaluated for truthiness that defines the exit condition.
  • <body> consists of one or more statements to execute in each iteration.

Here’s a quick example of how you can use a while loop to iterate over a decreasing sequence of numbers:

>>> number = 5

>>> while number > 0:
...     print(number)
...     number -= 1

In this example, number > 0 is the loop condition. If this condition returns a false value, the loop terminates. The body consists of a call to print() that displays the value on the screen. Next, you decrease the value of number. This change will produce a different result when the loop evaluates the condition in the next iteration.

The loop runs while the condition remains true. When the condition turns false, the loop terminates, and the program execution proceeds to the first statement after the loop body. In this example, the loop terminates when number reaches a value less than or equal to 0.

If the loop condition doesn’t become false, then you have a potentially infinite loop. Consider the following loop, and keep your fingers near the Ctrl+C key combination to terminate its execution:

>>> number = 5
>>> while number != 0:
...     print(number)
...     number -= 1

>>> number = 5
>>> while number != 0:
...     print(number)
...     number -= 2
Traceback (most recent call last):

In this example, the loop condition is number != 0. This condition works when you decrease number by 1. However, if you decrease it by 2, the condition may never become false, resulting in a potentially infinite loop. In such cases, you can usually terminate the loop by pressing Ctrl+C, which raises a KeyboardInterrupt exception on most operating systems.

Note that the while loop checks its condition first before anything else happens. If it’s false to start with, then the loop body will never run:

>>> number = 0
>>> while number > 0:
...     print(number)
...     number -= 1

In this example, when the loop finds that number isn’t greater than 0, it immediately terminates the execution without entering the loop body. So, the body never executes.

Now that you know the basic syntax of while loops, it’s time to dive into some practical examples in Python. In the next section, you’ll see how these loops can be applied to real-world scenarios.

Using Advanced while Loop Syntax

The Python while loop has some advanced features that make it flexible and powerful. These features can be helpful when you need to fine-tune the loop to meet specific execution flows.

So far, you’ve seen examples where the entire loop body runs on each iteration. Python provides two keywords that let you modify that behavior:

  • break: Immediately terminates a loop. The program execution then proceeds with the first statement following the loop body.
  • continue: Ends only the current iteration. The execution jumps back to the loop header, and the loop condition is evaluated to determine whether the loop will execute again.

Python’s while loops also have additional syntax. They have an else clause that runs when the loop terminates naturally because the condition becomes true. In the following sections, you’ll learn more about how the break and continue statements work, as well as how to use the else clause effectively in while loops.

The break Statement: Exiting a Loop Early

With the break statement, you can terminate the execution of a while loop and make your program continue with the first statement immediately after the loop body.

Here’s a short script that demonstrates how the break statement works:

number = 6

while number > 0:
    number -= 1
    if number == 2:

print("Loop ended")

When number becomes 2, the break statement is reached, and the loop terminates completely. The program execution jumps to the call to print() in the final line of the script.

Running from the command line produces the following output:

$ python
Loop ended

The loop prints values normally. When number reaches the value of 2, then break runs, terminating the loop and printing Loop ended to your screen. Note that 2 and 1 aren’t printed at all.

It’s important to note that it makes little sense to have break statements outside of conditionals. Suppose you include a break statement directly in the loop body without wrapping it in a conditional. In that case, the loop will terminate in the first iteration, potentially without running the entire loop body.

The continue Statement: Skipping Tasks in an Iteration

Next, you have the continue statement. With this statement, you can skip some tasks in the current iteration when a given condition is met.

The next script is almost identical to the one in the previous section except for the continue statement in place of break:

number = 6

while number > 0:
    number -= 1
    if number == 2:

print("Loop ended")

The output of looks like this:

$ python
Loop ended

This time, when number is 2, the continue statement terminates that iteration. That’s why 2 isn’t printed. The control then returns to the loop header, where the condition is re-evaluated. The loop continues until number reaches 0, at which point it terminates as before.

The else Clause: Running Tasks at Natural Loop Termination

Python allows an optional else clause at the end of while loops. The syntax is shown below:

Python Syntax
while condition:

The code under the else clause will run only if the while loop terminates naturally without encountering a break statement. In other words, it executes when the loop condition becomes false, and only then.

Note that it doesn’t make much sense to have an else clause in a loop that doesn’t have a break statement. In that case, placing the else block’s content after the loop—without indentation—will work the same and be cleaner.

When might an else clause on a while loop be useful? One common use case for else is when you need to break out of the loop. Consider the following example:

import random
import time

attempts = 0

while attempts < MAX_RETRIES:
    attempts += 1
    print(f"Attempt {attempts}: Connecting to the server...")
    # Simulating a connection scenario
    if random.choice([False, False, False, True]):
        print("Connection successful!")
    print("Connection failed. Retrying...")
    print("All attempts failed. Unable to connect.")

This script simulates the process of connecting to an external server. The loop lets you try to connect a number of times, defined by the MAX_RETRIES constant. If the connection is successful, then the break statement terminates the loop.

When all the connection attempts fail, the else clause executes, letting you know that the attempts were unsuccessful. Go ahead and run the script several times to check the results.

Writing Effective while Loops in Python

When writing while loops in Python, you should ensure that they’re efficient and readable. You also need to make sure that they terminate correctly.

Normally, you choose to use a while loop when you need to repeat a series of actions until a given condition becomes false or while it remains true. This type of loop isn’t the way to go when you need to process all the items in an iterable. In that case, you should use a for loop instead.

In the following sections, you’ll learn how to use while loops effectively, avoid infinite loops, implement control statements like break and continue, and leverage the else clause for handling loop completion gracefully.

Running Tasks Based on a Condition With while Loops

A general use case for a while loop is waiting for a resource to become available before proceeding to use it. This is common in scenarios like the following:

  • Waiting for a file to be created or populated
  • Checking whether a server is online
  • Polling a database until a record is ready
  • Ensuring a REST API is responsive before making requests

Here’s a loop that continually checks if a given file has been created:

import time
from pathlib import Path

filename = Path("hello.txt")

print(f"Waiting for {} to be created...")

while not filename.exists():
    print("File not found. Retrying in 1 second...")

print(f"{filename} found! Proceeding with processing.")
with open(filename, mode="r") as file:
    print("File contents:")

The loop in this script uses the .exists() method on a Path object. This method returns True if the target file exits. The not operator negates the check result, returning True if the file doesn’t exit. If that’s the case, then the loop waits for one second to run another iteration and check for the file again.

If you run this script, then you’ll get something like the following:

$ python
Waiting for hello.txt to be created...
File not found. Retrying in 1 second...
File not found. Retrying in 1 second...
File not found. Retrying in 1 second...

In the meantime, you can open another terminal and create the hello.txt file. When the loop finds the newly created file, it’ll terminate. Then, the code after the loop will run, printing the file content to your screen.

Using while Loops for an Unknown Number of Iterations

while loops are also great when you need to process a stream of data with an unknown number of items. In this scenario, you don’t know the required number of iterations, so you can use a while loop with True as its control condition. This technique provides a Pythonic way to write loops that will run an unknown number of iterations.

To illustrate, suppose you need to read a temperature sensor that continuously provides data. When the temperature is equal to or greater than 28 degrees Celsius, you should stop monitoring it. Here’s a loop to accomplish this task:

import random
import time

def read_temperature():
    return random.uniform(20.0, 30.0)

while True:
    temperature = read_temperature()
    print(f"Temperature: {temperature:.2f}°C")

    if temperature >= 28:
        print("Required temperature reached! Stopping monitoring.")


In this loop, you use True as the loop condition, which generates a continually running loop. Then, you read the temperature sensor and print the current temperature value. If the temperature is equal to or greater than 25 degrees, you break out of the loop. Otherwise, you wait for a second and read the sensor again.

Removing Items From an Iterable in a Loop

Modifying a collection during iteration can be risky, especially when you need to remove items from the target collection. In some cases, using a while loop can be a good solution.

For example, say that you need to process a list of values and remove each value after it’s processed. In this situation, you can use a while loop like the following:

>>> colors = ["red", "blue", "yellow", "green"]

>>> while colors:
...     color = colors.pop(-1)
...     print(f"Processing color: {color}")
Processing color: green
Processing color: yellow
Processing color: blue
Processing color: red

When you evaluate a list in a Boolean context, you get True if it contains elements and False if it’s empty. In this example, colors remains true as long as it has elements. Once you remove all the items with the .pop() method, colors becomes false, and the loop terminates.

Getting User Input With a while Loop

Getting user input from the command line is a common use case for while loops in Python. Consider the following loop that takes input using the built-in input() functions. The loop runs until you type the word "stop":

line = input("Type some text: ")

while line != "stop":
    line = input("Type some text: ")

The input() function asks the user to enter some text. Then, you assign the result to the line variable. The loop condition checks whether the content of line is different from "stop", in which case, the loop body executes. Inside the loop, you call input() again. The loop repeats until the user types the word stop.

This example works, but it has the drawback of unnecessarily repeating the call to input(). You can avoid the repetition using the walrus operator as in the code snippet below:

>>> while (line := input("Type some text: ")) != "stop":
...     print(line)
Type some text: Python
Type some text: Walrus
Type some text: stop

In this updated loop, you get the user input in the line variable using an assignment expression. At the same time, the expression returns the user input so that it can be compared to the sentinel value "stop".

Traversing Iterators With while Loops

Using a while loop with the built-in next() function may be a great way to fine-control the iteration process when working with iterators and iterables.

To give you an idea of how this works, you’ll rewrite a for loop using a while loop instead. Consider the following code:

requests = ["first request", "second request", "third request"]

print("\nWith a for loop")
for request in requests:
    print(f"Handling {request}")

print("\nWith a while loop")
it = iter(requests)
while True:
        request = next(it)
    except StopIteration:

    print(f"Handling {request}")

The two loops are equivalent. When you run the script, each loop will handle the three requests in turn:

$ python

With a for-loop
Handling first request
Handling second request
Handling third request

With a while-loop
Handling first request
Handling second request
Handling third request

Python’s for loops are quite flexible and powerful, and you should generally prefer for over while if you need to iterate over a given collection. However, translating the for loop into a while loop, like above, gives you even more flexibility in how you handle the iterator.

Emulating Do-While Loops

A do-while loop is a control flow statement that executes its code block at least once, regardless of whether the loop condition is true or false.

If you come from languages like C, C++, Java, or JavaScript, then you may be wondering where Python’s do-while loop is. The bad news is that Python doesn’t have one. The good news is that you can emulate it using a while loop with a break statement.

Consider the following example, which takes user input in a loop:

>>> while True:
...     number = int(input("Enter a positive number: "))
...     print(number)
...     if not number > 0:
...         break
Enter a positive number: 1
Enter a positive number: 4
Enter a positive number: -1

Again, this loop takes the user input using the built-in input() function. The input is then converted into an integer number using int(). If the user enters a number that’s 0 or lower, then the break statement runs, and the loop terminates.

Note that to emulate a do-while loop in Python, the condition that terminates the loop goes at the end of the loop, and its body is a break statement. It’s also important to emphasize that in this type of loop, the body runs at least once.

Using while Loops for Event Loops

Another common and extended use case of while loops in Python is to create event loops, which are infinite loops that wait for certain actions known as events. Once an event happens, the loop dispatches it to the appropriate event handler.

Some classic examples of fields where you’ll find event loops include the following:

For example, say that you want to implement a number-guessing game. You can do this with a while loop:

from random import randint

LOW, HIGH = 1, 10

secret_number = randint(LOW, HIGH)
clue = ""

# Game loop
while True:
    guess = input(f"Guess a number between {LOW} and {HIGH} {clue} ")
    number = int(guess)
    if number > secret_number:
        clue = f"(less than {number})"
    elif number < secret_number:
        clue = f"(greater than {number})"

print(f"You guessed it! The secret number is {number}")

In this example, the game loop runs the game logic. First, it takes the user’s guess with input(), converts it into an integer number, and checks whether it’s greater or less than the secret number. The else clause executes when the user’s guess is equal to the secret number. In that case, the loop breaks, and the game shows a winning message.

Exploring Infinite while Loops

Sometimes, you might write a while loop that doesn’t naturally terminate. A loop with this behavior is commonly known as an infinite loop, although the name isn’t quite accurate because, in the end, you’ll have to terminate the loop somehow.

You may write an infinite loop either intentionally or unintentionally. Intentional infinite loops are powerful tools commonly used in programs that need to run continuously until an external condition is met, such as game loops, server processes, and event-driven apps like GUI apps or asynchronous code.

In contrast, unintentional infinite while loops are often the result of some kind of logical issue that prevents the loop condition from ever becoming false. For example, this can happen when the loop:

  • Fails to update a condition variable
  • Uses a condition that’s logically flawed

In these cases, the loop erroneously continues to run until it’s terminated externally.

In the following sections, you’ll learn about both types of infinite loops and how to approach them in your code. To kick things off, you’ll start with unintentional infinite loops.

Unintentional Infinite Loops

Suppose you write a while loop that never ends due to an internal error. Getting back to the example in the initial section of this tutorial, you have the following loop that runs continuously:

>>> number = 5
>>> while number != 0:
...     print(number)
...     number -= 2
Traceback (most recent call last):

To terminate this code, you have to press Ctrl+C, which interrupts the program’s execution from the keyboard. Otherwise, the loop would run indefinitely since its condition never turns false. In real-world code, you’d typically want to have a proper loop condition to prevent unintended infinite execution.

In most cases like this, you can prevent the potentially infinite loop by fixing the condition itself or the internal loop logic to make sure the condition becomes false at some point in the loop’s execution.

In the example above, you can modify the condition a bit to fix the issue:

>>> number = 5
>>> while number > 0:
...     print(number)
...     number -= 2

This time, the loop doesn’t go down the 0 value. Instead, it terminates when number has a value that’s equal to or less than 0.

Alternatively, you can use additional conditionals in the loop body to terminate the loop using break:

>>> number = 5
>>> while number != 0:
...     if number <= 0:
...         break
...     print(number)
...     number -= 2

This loop has the same original loop condition. However, it includes a failsafe condition in the loop body to terminate it in case the main condition fails.

Figuring out how to fix an unintentional infinite loop will largely depend on the logic you’re using in the loop condition and body. So, you should analyze each case carefully to determine the correct solution.

Intentional Infinite Loops

Intentionally infinite while loops are pretty common and useful. However, writing them correctly requires ensuring proper exit conditions, avoiding performance issues, and preventing unintended infinite execution.

For example, you might want to write code for a service that starts up and runs forever, accepting service requests. Forever, in this context, means until you shut it down.

The typical way to write an infinite loop is to use the while True construct. To ensure that the loop terminates naturally, you should add one or more break statements wrapped in proper conditions:

Python Syntax
while True:
    if condition_1:
    if condition_2:
    if condition_n:

This syntax works well when you have multiple reasons to end the loop. It’s often cleaner to break out from several different locations rather than try to specify all the termination conditions in the loop header.

To see this construct in practice, consider the following infinite loop that asks the user to provide their password:


correct_password = "secret123"
attempts = 0

while True:
    password = input("Password: ").strip()
    attempts += 1

    if password == correct_password:
        print("Login successful! Welcome!")

    if attempts >= MAX_ATTEMPTS:
        print("Too many failed attempts.")
        print(f"Incorrect password. {MAX_ATTEMPTS - attempts} attempts left.")

This loop has two exit conditions. The first condition checks whether the password is correct. The second condition checks whether the user has reached the maximum number of attempts to provide a correct password. Both conditions include a break statement to finish the loop gracefully.


You’ve learned a lot about Python’s while loop, which is a crucial control flow structure for iteration. You’ve learned how to use while loops to repeat tasks until a condition is met, how to tweak loops with break and continue statements, and how to prevent or write infinite loops.

Understanding while loops is essential for Python developers, as they let you handle tasks that require repeated execution based on conditions.

In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to:

  • Understand the syntax of Python while loops
  • Repeat tasks when a condition is true with while loops
  • Use while loops for tasks with an unknown number of iterations
  • Control loop execution with break and continue statements
  • Avoid unintended infinite loops and write correct ones

This knowledge enables you to write dynamic and flexible code, particularly in situations where the number of iterations is unknown beforehand or depends on one or more conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now that you have some experience with Python while loops, you can use the questions and answers below to check your understanding and recap what you’ve learned.

These FAQs are related to the most important concepts you’ve covered in this tutorial. Click the Show/Hide toggle beside each question to reveal the answer.

In Python, a while loop is a control flow statement that lets you repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a specified condition remains true.

You use a while loop when the number of iterations is uncertain, and a for loop when iterating a known number of times over a sequence.

You prevent an infinite loop by ensuring that the loop’s condition will eventually become false through proper logic in the loop condition and body.

You use the break statement to immediately exit a while loop, regardless of the loop’s condition.

Yes, you can use an else clause with a while loop to execute code when the loop terminates naturally without a break statement.

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Python while Loops: Repeating Tasks Conditionally

In this quiz, you'll test your understanding of Python's while loop. This loop allows you to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a given condition remains true. Understanding how to use while loops effectively is a crucial skill for any Python developer.

Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Mastering While Loops

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About Leodanis Pozo Ramos

Leodanis is an industrial engineer who loves Python and software development. He's a self-taught Python developer with 6+ years of experience. He's an avid technical writer with a growing number of articles published on Real Python and other sites.

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