Episode 91: 2021 Real Python Articles Wrap Up
The Real Python Podcast
Dec 24, 2021 1h 3m
It’s been a year of change at Real Python! The Real Python team has written, edited, curated, illustrated, and produced a mountain of Python articles this year. We also added many new members to the team, updated the site’s features, and created new styles of tutorials and projects.
Two members of the Real Python team join us this week, Martin Breuss and Sadie Parker. We wanted to share a year-end wrap-up with a collection of articles and step-by-step projects that showcase what our team created this year.
Sadie and Martin help to shepherd articles through the multi-stage editing process. Along with the rest of the team, they make sure these resources impart crucial Python knowledge and provide a thorough didactic experience.
We hope you enjoy this review! Programming note, there won’t be an episode next week, but we will be back in January and look forward to bringing you a year full of great guests, articles, and topics.
Course Spotlight: Using Pygame to Build an Asteroids Game in Python
In this course, you’ll learn the basics of creating powerful web applications with In this course, you’ll build a clone of the Asteroids game in Python using Pygame. Step by step, you’ll add images, input handling, game logic, sounds, and text to your program.
- 00:00:00 – Introduction
- 00:02:24 – Changes at Real Python Over 2021
- 00:10:11 – Build a Platform Game in Python With Arcade
- 00:13:40 – Make Your First Python Game: Rock, Paper, Scissors!
- 00:20:00 – Build a Content Aggregator in Python
- 00:25:30 – Video Course Spotlight
- 00:26:45 – Python Inner Functions: What Are They Good For?
- 00:30:44 – Build a Personal Diary With Django and Python
- 00:34:14 – Hosting a Django Project on Heroku
- 00:42:00 – Python & APIs: A Winning Combo for Reading Public Data
- 00:46:03 – Beautiful Soup: Build a Web Scraper With Python
- 00:52:25 – Advanced Visual Studio Code for Python Developers
- 00:59:55 – A Few Special Mentions, Data Science, and More
- 01:02:33 – Thanks and goodbye
Show Links:
- Build a Platform Game in Python With Arcade – Real Python
- Make Your First Python Game: Rock, Paper, Scissors! – Real Python
- Build a Content Aggregator in Python – Real Python
- Python Inner Functions: What Are They Good For? – Real Python
- Build a Personal Diary With Django and Python – Real Python
- Hosting a Django Project on Heroku – Real Python
- Python & APIs: A Winning Combo for Reading Public Data – Real Python
- Beautiful Soup: Build a Web Scraper With Python – Real Python
- Advanced Visual Studio Code for Python Developers – Real Python
- Python AI: How to Build a Neural Network & Make Predictions – Real Python
- Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm With Python and NumPy – Real Python
- Prettify Your Data Structures With Pretty Print in Python – Real Python
Additional Links:
- Episode #60: Building a Platform Game With Arcade and Covering Python News Monthly – The Real Python Podcast
- The Python Arcade Library
- Arcade: A Primer on the Python Game Framework
- Rock, Paper, Scissors With Python: A Command Line Game – Video Course
- Build an Asteroids Game With Python and Pygame – Real Python
- Godot Engine - Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine
- Episode #87: Building a Content Aggregator and Working With RSS in Python – The Real Python Podcast
- Python Inner Functions – Video Course
- Host Your Django Project on Heroku – Video Course
- Finding the Perfect Python Code Editor – Video Course
- Episode #12: Web Scraping in Python: Tools, Techniques, and Legality – The Real Python Podcast
- Web Scraping With Beautiful Soup and Python – Video Course