About Jaya Zhané
Jaya is an avid Pythonista and writes for Real Python.
Tutorials by Jaya:
- SimPy: Simulating Real-World Processes With Python
- The Ultimate List of Data Science Podcasts
- Writing Comments in Python (Guide)
Tutorials Jaya Contributed to:
- A Guide to Modern Python String Formatting Tools
- pandas GroupBy: Your Guide to Grouping Data in Python
- Python Timer Functions: Three Ways to Monitor Your Code
- When to Use a List Comprehension in Python
- Python GUI Programming With Tkinter
- Beautiful Soup: Build a Web Scraper With Python
- Using the Python zip() Function for Parallel Iteration
- Python and PyQt: Building a GUI Desktop Calculator
- What Can I Do With Python?
- Python Scope & the LEGB Rule: Resolving Names in Your Code
- How to Do a Binary Search in Python
- Using the Python defaultdict Type for Handling Missing Keys
- Defining Your Own Python Function
- Alexa Python Development: Build and Deploy an Alexa Skill
- Python Bindings: Calling C or C++ From Python
- The Beginner's Guide to Python Turtle
- Introduction to Python SQL Libraries
- Null in Python: Understanding Python's NoneType Object
- Python Community Interview With Brett Slatkin
- Implementing an Interface in Python
- Python Command-Line Arguments
- Use a Flask Blueprint to Architect Your Applications
- Python '!=' Is Not 'is not': Comparing Objects in Python
- Python Community Interview With Kelly and Sean of Teaching Python
- Scientific Python: Using SciPy for Optimization
- Arcade: A Primer on the Python Game Framework
- Logistic Regression in Python
- Exploring HTTPS With Python
- Using pandas and Python to Explore Your Dataset
- NumPy, SciPy, and pandas: Correlation With Python
- Run Python Versions in Docker: How to Try the Latest Python Release
- Python Statistics Fundamentals: How to Describe Your Data
- Data Engineer Interview Questions With Python
- MicroPython: An Intro to Programming Hardware in Python
- pandas: How to Read and Write Files
- Python Descriptors: An Introduction
- Python Community Interview With Brian Okken
- Invalid Syntax in Python: Common Reasons for SyntaxError
- Getting Started With Python IDLE
- PyCon Africa 2019 (Recap)
- Build a Mobile Application With the Kivy Python Framework
- Python Community Interview With Al Sweigart
- Arduino With Python: How to Get Started
- Python sleep(): How to Add Time Delays to Your Code
- Emacs: The Best Python Editor?
- Building a Python C Extension Module
- Preventing SQL Injection Attacks With Python
- How to Use Generators and yield in Python
- Getting Started With Async Features in Python
- PyGame: A Primer on Game Programming in Python
- Python vs C++: Selecting the Right Tool for the Job
- Python args and kwargs: Demystified
- Simulating Real-World Processes in Python With SimPy (Course)
- Writing Comments in Python (Course)