In Python, the None
keyword represents the absence of a value or a null value. It’s an object that serves as a placeholder when you need to specify that a variable doesn’t hold any valid data or when a function doesn’t return any value.
Python None
Keyword Examples
Here are a few examples demonstrating how None
can be used in Python:
>>> result = None
>>> print(result)
>>> def function(arg=None):
... return arg
>>> print(function())
>>> value = None
>>> if value is None:
... print("The value is None")
The value is None
In these examples, None
is assigned to a variable as a placeholder, returned by a function that doesn’t explicitly return a value, and used in a conditional statement to check if a variable is None
Python None
Keyword Use Cases
- Initializing variables to indicate that they don’t hold any value yet
- Returning from functions when there’s no value to return
- Defining default argument values
- Signaling the end of a data structure, like the end of a linked list
Related Resources
Null in Python: Understanding Python's NoneType Object
In this tutorial, you'll learn about the NoneType object None, which acts as the null in Python. This object represents emptiness, and you can use it to mark default parameters and even show when you have no result. None is a tool for doing everything with nothing!
For additional information on related topics, take a look at the following resources: