The Real Python Podcast: It's Been a Year!

The Real Python Podcast: It's Been a Year!

by Joanna Jablonski 1 Comment community

This week, the Real Python Podcast is reaching its fiftieth episode!

It’s been quite a year, full of sharing and learning and connecting in the Python community. We’re looking forward to bringing you more interesting guests, interviews with expert Pythonistas, and lots of behind-the-scenes with the Real Python team.

Here’s a quick look at some of what’s been going on with the podcast in the past year as well as a sneak peek at what’s to come!

PyCon Speakers Shared Their Expertise

PyCon is an important hub for the Python community, so we absolutely had to bring you the experts who are sharing their expertise at this conference. Here are some of the speakers you heard from this past year:

Python Project Leads Gave You an Inside Look

Leaders in open source Python projects came on the show to give us the inside scoop. Here are some of the guests we had on:

You Found the Next Step in Your Learning Journey

Real Python authors love to teach and love to write, so it’s only natural that they’ve published some thorough and reliable books to help you get over humps in your learning journey. Here are some of the authors who came on the podcast this past year:

You Took a Guided Tour of Learning Resources

Every two weeks, Chris Bailey and David Amos have taken you on a deep dive into Python tutorials that have been published at Real Python and elsewhere so you can stay up to speed on what’s happening in the world of Python.

Thanks to a question from a listener, we also started featuring Python projects that are great models for you to study and learn from so you can use best practices in your own projects. Now, at the end of every second episode after Episode 15: Python Regular Expressions, Views vs Copies in Pandas, and More, we share projects for you to study and learn from.

Here are some of the projects we’ve featured:

  • ERPNext: A free and open source alternative to SAP
  • Colorpedia: A command-line tool for looking up colors, shades and palettes
  • Django Unicorn: A magical full-stack framework for Django
  • Jupylet: A Python library for programming 2D and 3D games, graphics, music, and sound synthesizers
  • Nikola: A static website and blog generator
  • toolz: A functional standard library for Python
  • Evennia: An online multiplayer text-based game framework
  • Sorting-Algorithms-Visualizer: A program made with Pygame to show how sorting algorithms work
  • Python-Adventure: The original Colossal Cave Adventure game, but in Python 3
  • clifford: A numerical geometric algebra package for Python
  • Pippi: A library of computer music modules for Python
  • SDV: A synthetic data generator for tabular, relational, and time series data
  • SkyAR: A tool for dynamic sky replacement and harmonization in videos
  • Google Research Football: A reinforcement learning environment where agents learn to play football
  • zxcvbn-python: Dropbox’s realistic password strength estimator
  • Manim: An animation engine for explanatory math videos

What’s Next?

Conferences season is almost upon us! We’ll be attending some (virtual) conferences and will be bringing you the latest news from PyCon US, PyCascades, and the Python Web Conference. If you can’t attend those conferences yourself, then stay tuned to the podcast for the next best thing.

We’re going to keep bringing you:

  • Interviews with Python experts
  • Practical tips to help you learn effectively and efficiently
  • An inside look into what’s happening in the Python community

If there’s anything you’d like us to cover on the podcast, then let us know! We love it when listeners tell us that they’d like to learn more about security, hear more from Python teachers, or anything else that will help you keep leveling up your Python.

Happy Pythoning!

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About Joanna Jablonski

Joanna is the Executive Editor of Real Python. She loves natural languages just as much as she loves programming languages!

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