bytes-like object

In Python, a bytes-like object is any object that supports the buffer protocol. This protocol allows an object to expose its underlying binary data or buffer in a way that can be accessed by other objects.

Bytes-like objects include bytes, bytearray, and memoryview objects, as well as many other objects in Python’s standard library that provide binary data manipulation.

Bytes-like objects are useful when you’re working with binary data, such as reading from or writing to files in binary mode, handling network data, or processing images. They allow you to efficiently manipulate binary data without needing to convert it to other data types, which can be both time-consuming and memory-intensive.


Here’s an example that demonstrates how to use bytes-like objects in Python:

>>> # Example with bytes
>>> byte_data = b"Hello, Real Python!"
>>> byte_data
b'Hello, Real Python!'

>>> # Example with bytearray
>>> byte_array_data = bytearray(b"Hello, Real Python!")
>>> byte_array_data[7:11] = b"World"
>>> byte_array_data
bytearray(b'Hello, World Python!')

>>> # Example with memoryview
>>> byte_data = b"Hello, Real Python!"
>>> memory_view = memoryview(byte_data)
>>> memory_view[7:11].tobytes()

In this example, you see how bytes, bytearray, and memoryview objects can handle binary data in Python.


Bytes Objects: Handling Binary Data in Python

In this tutorial, you'll learn about Python's bytes objects, which help you process low-level binary data. You'll explore how to create and manipulate byte sequences in Python and how to convert between bytes and strings. Additionally, you'll practice this knowledge by coding a few fun examples.

intermediate python

For additional information on related topics, take a look at the following resources:

By Leodanis Pozo Ramos • Updated Jan. 24, 2025 • Reviewed by Dan Bader