About Philipp Acsany
Hi there! 👋
I’m Philipp, a software engineer based in Berlin with a blend of graphic design experience and a passion for full-stack web development. I’ve been part of the Real Python team since 2021, but my journey with the platform began as a dedicated reader back in 2014. Real Python played a key role in helping me learn programming, and now I’m proud to help others grow into skilled and fulfilled Python developers.
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or challenge me to a game on chess.com.
Featured Content:
Podcast Appearances:
- Episode #185: 2023 Real Python Tutorial & Video Course Wrap-Up
- Episode #170: Finding the Right Coding Font for Programming in Python
- Episode #134: Building Python REST APIs With Flask & Structuring Pull Requests
Tutorials by Philipp:
- Build a Personal Diary With Django and Python
- Primer on Jinja Templating
- HTML and CSS for Python Developers
- Working With JSON Data in Python
- Using Python's pip to Manage Your Projects' Dependencies
- Dependency Management With Python Poetry
- Logging in Python
- Python News Roundup: November 2024
- What Are CRUD Operations?
- Build a Blog Using Django, GraphQL, and Vue
- Add Logging and Notification Messages to Flask Web Projects
- Enhance Your Flask Web Project With a Database
- Build a Scalable Flask Web Project From Scratch
- Build a Code Image Generator With Python
- How to Make Engaging Programming Videos
- Choosing the Best Coding Font for Programming
- How to Evaluate the Quality of Python Packages
- The Terminal: First Steps and Useful Commands
- Build a JavaScript Front End for a Flask API
- Python News: What's New From November 2022
- Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy – Part 3
- Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy – Part 2
- Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy – Part 1
- When Do You Use an Ellipsis in Python?
- Build a Flashcards App With Django
- Python News: What's New From May 2022
- Build a URL Shortener With FastAPI and Python
- Pagination for a User-Friendly Django App
- Ways to Start Interacting With Python (Course)
- Customizing VS Code Through Color Themes (Course)
- Customize VS Code Settings (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Scopes (Course)
- Finding Python Easter Eggs (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Dictionaries (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Installing Packages With pip (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Functions and Loops (Course)
- Advent of Code: Solving Puzzles With Python (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Modules and Packages (Course)
- Python Basics: Modules and Packages (Course)
- Replacing a String in Python (Course)
- Python Basics: Installing Packages With pip (Course)
- Using the Terminal on Windows (Course)
- Using the Terminal on Linux (Course)
- Using the Terminal on macOS (Course)
- Python Basics: Dictionaries (Course)
- Refactoring: Prepare Your Code to Get Help (Course)
- Python Basics: Scopes (Course)
- Python Basics: Functions and Loops (Course)
- Write and Test a Python Function: Interview Practice (Course)
- Exploring Keywords in Python (Course)
- Looping With Python enumerate() (Course)
Tutorials Philipp Contributed to:
- Python while Loops: Repeating Tasks Conditionally
- How to Use sorted() and .sort() in Python
- Python Keywords: An Introduction
- Top Python Game Engines
- Build a Quiz Application With Python
- Develop Data Visualization Interfaces in Python With Dash
- Build a Dice-Rolling Application With Python
- Build a Tic-Tac-Toe Game With Python and Tkinter
- How to Split a Python List or Iterable Into Chunks
- How to Flush the Output of the Python Print Function
- Executing Python Scripts With a Shebang
- Python and TOML: New Best Friends
- How to Download Files From URLs With Python
- Getters and Setters: Manage Attributes in Python
- pandas GroupBy: Your Guide to Grouping Data in Python
- Create and Modify PDF Files in Python
- Get Started With Django: Build a Portfolio App
- How to Replace a String in Python
- How to Get a List of All Files in a Directory With Python
- Python's pathlib Module: Taming the File System
- Python's urllib.request for HTTP Requests
- Strings and Character Data in Python
- A Practical Introduction to Web Scraping in Python
- Get Started With Django User Management
- Python Classes: The Power of Object-Oriented Programming
- Python Set Comprehensions: How and When to Use Them
- Python Timer Functions: Three Ways to Monitor Your Code
- Asynchronous Tasks With Django and Celery
- When to Use a List Comprehension in Python
- Basic Input and Output in Python
- Efficient String Concatenation in Python
- NumPy Practical Examples: Useful Techniques
- Python Dictionary Comprehensions: How and When to Use Them
- Build a Contact Book App With Python, Textual, and SQLite
- Python's Built-in Functions: A Complete Exploration
- Creating Great README Files for Your Python Projects
- Build a Guitar Synthesizer: Play Musical Tablature in Python
- PyTorch vs TensorFlow for Your Python Deep Learning Project
- Pydantic: Simplifying Data Validation in Python
- Python's Magic Methods: Leverage Their Power in Your Classes
- The Python Rich Package: Unleash the Power of Console Text
- Document Your Python Code and Projects With ChatGPT
- Build a Blog From Scratch With Django
- How to Sort Unicode Strings Alphabetically in Python
- Generate Beautiful QR Codes With Python
- What Are Python Asterisk and Slash Special Parameters For?
- Why Are Membership Tests So Fast for range() in Python?
- How to Launch an HTTP Server in One Line of Python Code
- Build Robust Continuous Integration With Docker and Friends
- SOLID Principles: Improve Object-Oriented Design in Python
- Python's del: Remove References From Scopes and Containers
- The Python Standard REPL: Try Out Code and Ideas Quickly
- Python's Assignment Operator: Write Robust Assignments
- How to Get and Use the Current Time in Python
- Advent of Code: Solving Your Puzzles With Python
- ChatterBot: Build a Chatbot With Python
- Custom Python Strings: Inheriting From str vs UserString
- Build a Site Connectivity Checker in Python
- Build and Submit HTML Forms With Django – Part 4
- Build and Handle POST Requests in Django – Part 3
- Build a Django Front End With Bulma – Part 2
- Build a Social Network With Django – Part 1
- Django Templates: Implementing Custom Tags and Filters
- Creating a Scalable Flask Web Application From Scratch (Course)
- Managing Dependencies With Python Poetry (Course)
- HTML and CSS Foundations for Python Developers (Course)
- Python Deep Learning: PyTorch vs Tensorflow (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Lists and Tuples (Course)
- HTTP Requests With Python's urllib.request (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Reading and Writing Files (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Strings and String Methods (Course)
- How to Get the Current Time in Python (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Building Systems With Classes (Course)
- Python Basics Exercises: Object-Oriented Programming (Course)
- What Does if __name__ == "__main__" Mean in Python? (Course)
- Reversing Strings in Python (Course)
- Filtering Iterables With Python (Course)
- Jinja Templating (Course)
- Using the Terminal on Windows (Course)
- Python Basics: Building Systems With Classes (Course)
- Using the Terminal on Linux (Course)
- Python Basics: Object-Oriented Programming (Course)
- Using the Terminal on macOS (Course)
- Everyday Project Packaging With pyproject.toml (Course)
- Python Basics: Strings and String Methods (Course)
- Building a URL Shortener With FastAPI and Python (Course)
- A Beginner's Guide to pip (Course)
- Logging Inside Python (Course)
- Working With JSON in Python (Course)