Python Software Foundation (PSF)
The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing and promoting the Python programming language.
Founded in 2001, the PSF plays a crucial role in supporting the growth of the Python community by managing the open-source licensing for Python, supporting Python-related events and conferences, and funding development initiatives.
The foundation is also responsible for managing the Python Package Index (PyPI), a repository of software for the Python programming language, which allows developers to find and install software developed and shared by the community.
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Expanding the International Python Community With the PSF
The popularity of Python is continuing to grow Developers across the globe are embracing the language. How is Python being used in all of these different countries? How does an organization like the Python Software Foundation (PSF) work toward the goals in its mission statement for supporting and growing this international community? This week on the show, we have Marlene Mhangami, a PSF board member and part of the Diversity and Inclusion Work Group.